

why do I write ?

why do I write?

This question is only to ask oneself that in the busy environment of rapid industrialization and digital age where there is no time to read private letters, I am trying to create literature by combining different situations with philosophical facts. Is it ethical to Life should be spent by not only doing manual labor, but dependent on pen and pen. Looking at this developing and advanced life tradition again from the same philosophical aspect, it is a social crime to be distorted by many fabricated facts. Need to work today.Production is possible only through manual labor. Poetry - text, literature - writing, or other Writing mode are very profound subjects instead of looking for a suitable employment option for the country's growing population. Why do I write anyway ??
The relevance of a task is from its contemporary point of view. No task can be important unless it has been viewed with respect. Today there is no justification for statutes which had situational respect in a period.Even in its lifetime, no one belief can be accumulated in its entirety. The distorted conceptions of ancient times have not been seen with respect in any new era. This also applies to literature. Literature writing was an era call. The opportunity that was saved with respect. The limited necessities of life, self-reliance, disciplined lifestyles and narrow environment were seeking the resolution of an uncertain life philosophy.Circumstances did not allow human values ​​to fit with philosophy of life and in this direction scholars used literature as weapon. The wide gap in Indian philosophy of life pushed the entire society into a deep abyss of uncertainty. Should i do the same? Then why do I write?

© Sujan Tiwari Samarth