

Pain is inevitable.
short stort

first i asked how to understand you
after thinking deeper
the question changed
why must this be YOUR ONLY OPTION???
Still pondered over many sleepless days and nights at a stretch
then the question was how ans why should i forgive u....
that thought too dint stay

finaly one morning all ur old pics were passing through like a photo train in front of my eyes...
you smiled in most... in many u were laughing...
in a few you were seen doing the most unusual things you imagined ever...
not a single pic of u... i have is sad...
i have 3500 plus pictures of u, u and me , u with others etc.....
so why should i be sad now i asked my self...
who am i to forgive
one has to forgive only when we think the other has made a mistake
our mistake may be their RIGHT
so finaly i decided
No grief
No guilt
No anger
No forgiveness asked nor given
your life.... i am sure u wud want the best for yourself ans so u wud do what is gud....4 u

Stay happy my friend

a small note in the loving memories of my soul sister "Ladoo"
where ever she will b ... or is will pray she is happy..

pic credits :@Pinterest