

Letter to My Sister 7; Identity
Hi Sis,
On this special day
where we are reminded of our roots,
I realize again
that it has been 4 generations or more,
since our ancestors landed here
on this beautiful country,
which we now call our home.
They left their country, families and memories
far behind them,
some consciously
and others unconsciously,
but as many
none of them most probably,
ever planned on staying here.

Whatever the reasons were
why they never left,
we for sure are blessed by their decision.
One side of the story
is that we have inherited something unique,
including the language and the clothes
and other traditional customs,
thereby contributing
to the already rich Surinamese culture,
which is an unique blend of different colors,
so rich,
that it forces us to be color-blind.

But the most exciting part
from our personal stories
is that I
and also you
and our families
have gotton the chance
to get to know
the Creatorof heaven and earth
through our Saviour
Lord Jesus Christ,
Who was and is and is to come,
making us more grateful
than we already were,
since we were adopted
as children of the living God.

Oh, how great it is
to serve such a merciful God,
Who gave His only begotton Son,
so we may be saved
and in turn
can bless others
through our personal testimonies.

I glorify and lift up His name,
and thank Him each and every day.
I give Him all praise and worhip
all because
He is all worthy of it.

I thank Him
for leading our ancestors
to this wonderful country
of abundant green beauty
to be a part of its history
and to grant us a chance
on our new personal journey
to create a new heritage and legacy.

I pray
that He will keep continue to bless this country
and that many
including our "society"
may get to know Him
as we have and do.

I pray
that He may keep using us
to be the salt on the earth
and the light in the world
and that we keep shining
like a lamp in the dark,
high up in the hill,
like the stars in the sky,
to be a blessing
through our identity in Christ
for our families,
our community,
our country;
our nation Sranan.

In Jesus name!

Your "adeh" (little brother),
9 Aug 2020

#LetterToMySister7 #LettersToMySister #identity #Sranan #Suriname #John1verse12 #Galatians3verse26 #Matthew5verse13to16 #Philippians2verse15 #Revelation1verse8 #John3verse16 #Romans8vers15 #BeTheLightInTheWorld #God #Jesus

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:
John 1:12 NKJV

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15 NKJV

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