

Welcome to High School
Chapter 5- Problems arise

I really wanted to talk to Junior about that boy. He isn't a good and respectful person and he is Ricky’s friend? Throughout the day, I kept thinking about what happened during lunch break. “Harley I am very sorry for what happened during lunch.” June said out of the blue. I didn't see her coming.

“Oh that witch Anna, she told me not to allow you on that table.” I understood her. “It's okay what were you doing on that table anyways?” I asked her folding my arms. She didn't want to talk, it was as if she forced the words out of her mouth. “She is my cousin?” Out of awe, I gasped loudly which even made other students that were passing by also turn their heads out of curiosity. “What? How? When?” I started throwing questions that seemed rhetorical. That girl is so full of herself,way too proud.

“And Henry?” My cheeks turned red once again. “Yeah and what about him?” I tried to hide my smile but it seemed that she saw the smile trying to blossom. “Oh come on! You are so blushing right now!” She was even more exited than me.

“Well he's kinda cute with those hazel eyes and cute smile. His wavy hair can make any girl fall for him.” I didn't realize that I was saying that outloud. “Well here he comes Harley.” She said that in a carefree manner but it didn't make me feel settled at all.

“Hi Harley!” He said as he walked up to me. “Oh my gosh why is he coming over here.” I muttered as I tried to hide my face. How does he even know my name? I said in my mind.

“ Harley sorry about what happened at lunch.” He said as soon as he got in front of me. “It's okay.” I replied. He iched the back of his neck before he talked, “Harley are you coming to the freshers party this Friday?”

“What party?” I asked still with my heart beating so fast. “Probably the most amazing party you will ever go to in your lifetime!” June cut in. “Who's organizing it?” I had to ask to give my mom the full details when I talk to her.

“Remember that guy that was sending all of us out of the first floor.” June said. I felt as if something was heating in the pit of my stomach. “ Yeah what about him?”

“Come on. It would be fun. If he does anything crazy we are all in it together. Just wonder what he might do if we don't go.” June was right, she was making a point but I wasn't ready to go to the damn party. I don't even have anything to wear and I wanted to go to a rich kid’s party. But someone changed my mind. “Come on Harley. I will be heartbroken if you don't.” Now I couldn't refuse. “ Stop whining I'll come but I must talk to my mom.” I didn't have a choice but to agree.

“Oh my driver is here guys got to go. Henry you want to come I can drop you off.” June said slowly walking away from us. “Never mind my driver will soon come, I want to talk to Harley for a minute.”

“Okay bye guys and call my mom when you get home she wants to speak with you.” June shouted from a far distance. “ Bye June!” We replied at the same time. I wondered why she left me with him, I was practically praying to God to not let me do something foolish.

“So.” I stopped looking at my watch and faced him. “Who is coming to pick you up?” He said when he realized that I was not ready to speak. “Well my mom has to work extra hours so I have to walk home or take the bus.” I didn't want to say that because to be honest, it was embarrassing to tell him such.

“OK I will call my driver to pick me up later. Let's go.” I didn't want Henry to see my house. He might never talk to me ever again.

It was so awkward. The silence was killing me inside. I couldn't take it anymore I had to break the silence. “So is Anna your girlfriend?” I was praying that that bitch isn't his girl. I might never have a chance with him.

“Of course not. I am her brother.” He said looking so angry. “Oh then how are you in the same class?” I wanted to know if Henry was really her blood. “She is a year older than me. It's a long story.”

“Sorry but what happened.” I hoped that he wasn't going to get angry at me for asking such a personal question. “No problem. You are my friend now.” I felt so good. So we are friends now. Harley control yourself. I thought.

“She was home schooled for a year but when she wanted to come to normal school she had to take grade 3 again because she wasn't serious.” He explained.

“So she does not care about anything but makeup and boys from the beginning.” I didn't think before I said that. “ I am sorry I said that about your sister.” I said it before he gets really angry.

“Oh no it's okay. You are actually right.” I was so relieved. I didn't want him to turn against me because of his sister. “Thanks. I'll take the bus now.” I said as soon as we got to the bus stop. He wanted to follow me but I just told him to go home.

When I got home, I did the usual thing but this time I wanted to do something more interesting. “Your money or your life.” I stood behind my busy mother faking a bold voice.

“Oh Harley! Just stop it.” She held me by my waist and moved me to get a better view of my face. “You're busted. Don't play any pranks on me. Now go to your room to freshen up. Food is almost ready.” She said focusing on the meatballs she was cooking. “And the pickles?” My mom scoffed when I said that.

“Mom?” I was cross. “Ugh you get angry way too much. Your pickles are in the top cabinet.” She replied and chuckled. That was when I remembered the freshers party. “Oh I almost forgot. Mom there's a party for the new students this Friday and I would love to go.” I was hoping that she would answer me but she just frowned and folded her arms.

“Dear sorry you can't go. You are too young to go to a party all by yourself.” Her hands were still folded on her chest and her eyes were fixed on me.

“What the hell?” I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth. “Miss Harley Hart Angel no vulglar language in my house.” She only says my full name when she is angry. But I couldn't take it anymore. “Mom you never allow me to explore the world because we aren't rich. I wish I was never born into this pathetic family.” I said angrily.

“Keep quiet!” She slapped me on my face. Her whole body was shaking and my teeth was gritting. Everywhere was silent but even the look was enough for us to frown even more. I didn't know what to do. The tears were threatening to fall. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want her to see me crying. I just ran to my room. Me? Too young? I am 16! I hate her. I said in my head.

The next day I didn't even say a word to my mom. I didn't even eat anything. Usually in the morning, I am always positive and full of energy. But that morning, I woke up with a frown.

“Sweetie you don't want Mac and cheese. There's loads of pickles here.” She was trying to get to talk to me. “No mom. I don't have appetite.” I really wanted to eat but I couldn't. I wanted her to come to me and apologize.

I didn't want to wait for her to finish her food. I just took se money out of my savings so that I could take the bus. “So you don't want me to drop you off? Well I will not say anything you can do whatever you want. This is your lesson for today. As you make your bed so you lie on it just like Joseph in the Bible.” She said to me. I just sobbed her.

I really wanted to go to that party. And I was more than ready to do anything to go.
© Dairo