

strengthening yourself
As nature has four seasons (winter, spring, autumn and summer ) as so our life has too no constant in one pace.
It's just matter of time to recounts the struggling days and self motivation to avoid shattering in the unfavourable situation.
Dad days or heydays all are coming with time and pass viz a viz.
Hard time actually not a problem but an opportunity to learn to face the challenges and how to tackle over during that period.
As life isn't a bad of rose so we need to be ready to face all situations by self motivation and living in reality rather than with over expectations.
Recently I lost the job and it took me 40 days to get another job, during that period I was just keep applying, communicating and evaluating the situation, my strength and the laggings.
Praise be to God Now I got the job but I came to know my strength and weakness and what more I need to improve to tackle over the situation where I indulge.
The outcome of this article is_ there is no loss in our life, either we win or learn.

© rizi