

I Knew From the Very Start, It's Always You
Note: Fiction. I repeat FICTION!

"I fell in love with your soul, not with your looks."
~ Zoë Rebecca

I fell in love with you the second time our eyes met, you make me believe in love again, you make me feel like a queen every time, you make an effort to see me every day, and you understand me so well in this world, your captivating eyes and lips that have been taunting me to kiss it, I adore your love for me that has been growing and growing every time, the way you handle things like a mature man, you are so rare in this world, you are so extraordinary my love.

You made me the happiest girl in the world by making yours, being with you is the happiest moment that I've been looking for all my life, you filled my life with rainbows, and I must thank God for giving me someone like you, you brought indescribable happiness to my heart, you hold my hand like no other, you are my home, you bought me flowers and chocolates every time we met, you showered me with me love and affection, and I can't ask for more.

In our relationship, we can't avoid misunderstandings, problems, fights and jealousy, on our 5th anniversary we fight because you're just jealous of my office mate being close to me, and I tell you that, "My love, there is nothing more to me in this world rather than you, and there is nothing to be jealous about because I'm all yours." Then we made love that night, and after a few weeks, I found out that I was pregnant with our first child, and I caressed my tummy.

On our 8th anniversary, he asked me on a date under the moon with lights on display, as we were eating he asked me to stand up then he kneeled and with a ring in his hand he said "My love, will you marry me? I'm sorry that it took me so long to ask this but I know this is the right time, we surpassed so many challenges already and I know there's more for that in the future but I know we'll overcome those again, my love, please say yes." As the tears run coming down from my cheeks I'll give him the sweetest answer of my life, "Of course, my love it's a YES." Then our 2 kids ran towards us and we lived Happily ever after.

(I envy this story that I made, hopefully, all 😭😭❤️❤️)

© XoXo