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#writcostory #WritcoStoryChallenge
#selfwrote #fantasylike
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
Opening the window she tried to make sure that it was not just her imagination. It was freezing outside and no sign of humans could be seen in the street. Sounds of stray cats could be heard in the corner of the streets. Tall trees that were growing on the roadside appear like giant figures in the dark.
"Maybe it was the trees moving," she thought.
As she was about to close her window she saw it again a figure like a shadow. It moves again among the trees and this time a little light like spark appeared with it.
"Is it the thing! the rumours talked about" she thought to herself and the craziest idea pops into her head.
Though not the bravest among existence she thought she had to check on what it was. Not even caring to close the window, grabbing her hood which is lying on her room sofa she ran out.
It felt colder than when she was in the window. She embraces herself with her tiny hands to keep herself warm. Spotting the place where she saw the figure she moved timidly towards it. Opening the flashlight from her phone she searches for anything that would have moved. Though she kept looking she found nothing.
"Maybe it was the trees," she thought to herself as she stood beside a tree.
"But what was the light thing!" she sighs as she looked around.
"What was I thinking I should not have come out, if it were robbers or kidnappers I would be in a sack by now. And not to mention it's freezing" She thought as she hug herself.
Kicking the small grasses that were growing around she turned to return to her room and complete the last two pages of the story she was reading before she runs out like a crazy being. Turning around she felt something seems odd and out of place. Looking at her surrounding carefully she realised that the streetlights, her house and everything she was familiar with disappeared in a blink with no sound or movement. The only thing she could see was trees, tall and more trees. She stood blinking hoping to see her house and the streetlights but nothing change. The trees seem to be growing taller hiding the sky. The only thing she could think of was the last two pages of the story that she left unread before she ran out.
© Gracelin-tase