

Here and There
The waves clashed furiously in front of him as his ship rocked from side to side.He was the one guiding the ship, and all his crew were checking the sails and telling him what was forefront

"Andrew! Andrew!
Andrew was suddenly woken up from his....... dream
"You were out again hon ,did you take your medication? "

Andrew was a victim of vasovogal syncope,which caused him to faint randomly in the middle of the day. But for him everytime he went out cold he entered another dimension. A dimension in which he was in control,where he was the capitan. Unlike the real world in which his disease took control of his life. Andrew kept HIS world to himself. He kept it a secret, a world only for himself.

His world was always in a dream sort of way but he was concious and fully aware. he could feel in his world. He could feel pain,happiness,and saddness. Andrew knew that his world was always in his mind but there was something making it feel sooo real.
In his world he was always on a ship which was called "The Gloria"named after his mother Gloria James .He was always the capitan of His ship. His crew was always on his command . But he never knew where he was going. For ten years now he had been searching for an island someplace to dock but he never really found it.

His father had passed away when he was born but his mother was always there for him. She was very supportive about his condition but even she didn't know of Andrew's world. She was a supermarket worker even with Andrew's father gone she coughed up enough money for Andrew and herself to live in a small cottage. Because of their poorness his mother couldn't get Andrew proper treatment.
Andrew used to think of telling his mother about his world but he was always stopped at the thought of how worried she will get for him

He was always so confused about life as he was so quickly transported through dimensions he was always
Here And There