

Locked Up
Mrs Bob was lying dead on a pool of blood, Yemi stood there confused 😖, then a man at is early 30's walked in.
"Thank God you came because there's something strange about this house,i have been locked up in this house for over an hour, i feel the dead moving round the house and can you imagin the tap rushes out blood instead of water, i hear strange voices also, look at Mrs Bob i came to see,,, she's dead! I dont understand whats happening"cried Yemi as she tried to explain
"What are you talking about young woman? You killed my sister and you are here saying bullshit"said Jerry as he went closer to Mrs Bob's body.
"Wait a minute?!, you are making a mistake here, I met her like this few seconds ago "cried Yemi who looked surprised
"And You want me to believe that,take a look at your hands its soiled with blood,i'll have you arrested by the police "replied Jerry.
Immediately Jerry picked up his phone to make the call Yemi ran away 🏃 he quickly pursued her dropping his phone on the floor
"911 what's your emergency? "Said a police officer 👮 whom jerry called but no response so the officer hung up.
Yemi ran pretty fast down the stairs straight to the door and forcedly pushed the door, unknowingly to her the door was slightly open and she fell down
"Oh shit! I thought this door was locked "she said getting up to continue her race.
Just as soon as she got up Jerry zoomed out and tried to grab her but unluckily for him Yemi dodged it and ran to the gate just as she ran to the gate Jerry stopped chasing her,he crossed his hands and bursted out in laughter
"You think you can escape"said Jerry.
Yemi on the other side pursed just as soon as she saw a lock 🔓 on the gate.
"Please i swear, I didn't kill Mrs Bob don't call the police to arrest me, am just her worker who came for the appointment we agreed on, why will I want to kill her,,, please i beg you "she pleaded with her knees on the floor.
"Come with me, you will explain that to the police and not me"Jerry said dragging her back in.
Few minutes later....
Just as soon as the police came the power came up, Yemi was handcuffed and was taken to the police vehicle while some police investigated the crime scene, they saw drops 💦 of blood from the entrance door down to the kitchen sink, inside the sink was a knife 🔪 soiled with blood, They took a picture of it and washed it off with the sink tap water, they also went upstairs to take the body away.
      Yemi was locked up in prison crying to God for she knew nothing about the death of Mrs Bob, just after then a detective called Okafor walked in, he took Yemi away to ask her few questions and she replied and explained all she witnessed that very day but detective Okafor still doubted her, locked her up and walked out to investigate more on the issue.
   There in the prison Yemi kept hearing Mrs Bob's voice and feeling some spiritual presence and sensation, she felt like loosing her mind, Mrs Bob kept appearing until Yemi Collaped.
      Detective Okafor and Mickey his Colleague still can't believe the death of Mrs Bob and how it happened.
"Yemi said she tried opening the entrance door with the knife and she had a big cut and truly she had a big cut but on the other side Mrs Bob was stabbed to death "said Detective Okafor.
"And also the blood stains i traced was from the entrance door down to the kitchen but what if the cut she had was from something else sharp, what if she actually killed Mrs Bob and cleaned up the blood stains from the room down to the kitchen, and probably dropped some blood in the entrance door down to the kitchen to cook a cock and bull story up "added Detective Mickey.
"But while on earth will she want to kill Mrs Bob, she was a good woman, I just have this strong feeling that she's innocent "said Detective Okafor.
"Don't conclude yet Okafor we have to investigate more on this.
Watch out for part 3-Lunatic!