

La ley de la amor❤️
Love can't be fathomed
Love has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.

Love crosses the threshold of our lives
The moment we are born till the moment we die.
Love's in everyone.

Love may burn just like a candle
Love melts the wax
Love may be invisible,
Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you pumped up
Love has the capability to make or break you,
Love is rooted deep into your soul.

Love is ubiquitous,
It covers the globe.
No matter your geographical location,
Love has a language of its own.

Love is not hypothetical
It has its laws
Although you try to outsmart its laws,
It comes rushing back at you like a rash.

Love is good karma,
Love is fate,
Love is destiny,
Above all, love is genuine.

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