

If the world was a stage I would pour out my heart and let the world hear me. I want to give the world a positive and inspiring way to live there everyday life, I want to be an impact to the world.
Then someone will always ask what is that message you want to pass out to the world then I will say the message of hope, for a better Nation (Nigeria). If the world was a stage and I was featured on it the only message I have to give to them is a message of hopeI would say "Oh my fellow citizens of the world never give up, you only give up when you're dead and I believe you're not. We can still be the reasons the world changes for good.
Moreover we need to be determined and focused, we need do away with all ill-attitude because if we want to seek for a better world we need to stop partaking in bribe and corruption, let there be moral justice let's say no to bribe and corruption for this is the main factor for our downfall. We all should put the world at Heart first in all we do. let's imagine if the world is not safe for us to live in where then can we run to. I remember vividly that a Nigerian Singer once said " if you be policeman police well well no dey take bribe, if you be governor govern us well.
We all need to take precautions to see a better country(Nigeria) and a better world.
Little one, Young one and Old one this message is for you therefore for a better world know this and know peace.
© Emeleo