

power rangers bad to the bone part 2 : brother and sister
In a small city of ocean Bluff, Chris chilman is a new kid in the city he rides a harley davidson motorcycle, he wears black leather jacket. At the karma pizza my sister lily wears a black leather jacket she parks her harley davidson motorcycle. When chris arrives parks his motorcycle far left side of her motorcycle that way we won't get both mixed up. Chris waits he waits on helmet on the handle and my fingerless gloves in the helmet. The music build up tension (micheal jackson's song bad playing). She sits on the chair, (demi lovato's song confident plays). Chris walks to the door he kicks the door open, he sits at a diffrent table. Theo Martin walks to chris he pushes him to the floor. But theo stands up runs back and Rj comes down fast casey says hey rj points at chris and lily, he says those two i don't trust do you think that monster porcupongo spikes in these people?. RJ replied no i don't think so, i think these two brother and sister. Later fran walking up lily, lily on her feet she slaps fran. Chris walked angrily towards, he is behind lily. Lily has her black leather jacket off, chris takes off his black leather jacket he throws. both wears eaxct same t-shirt, chris grabbed lily and he jumped on lily back. Chris grabs lily's arms both are aggressively fighting, .she grunts. Lily tries to throw chris off her back but her younger brother chris staying on her back like a postage stamp.