

last option (suicide)😔😔
My dad was diagnosed with cancer, we spent all we have on his treatment but he passed away, leaving my mom, six years little sis and I with nothing.
I dropped out of school, started to hawk on the street to feed my family because mom was pregnant and almost due, it was tough for us and we got no help from anyone.
Nightmare knocked it our door steps, when my little sister begin to suffer from kidney problem, my mom tried begging friends but they were complaining of no money.
My dad had a friend that he helped before, so I thought he will be my last option, I knew where he lives so after selling that day I went to his house, he was around I told him everything he agreed to help but he told me I have to give something in return before I can make up my mind everything happened so fast.
I dressed up and asked him for the money, he threw the money, it was fly very were in the room.

" you see your father is not to be able to give you want you want, I can help you anytime,......... that is what I am doing"

I couldn't control my tears, I cried, took my bag and left the money he threw and ran out of the house, went to the bus stop to head for home.
I felt so irritated of myself, I hated myself so much, what will I do now my sis is in pain crying day and night, what will I tell my mom that I did, my dad's friend is so wicked, heartless man, I told the bus driver to stop at the bridge, it around 7pm.
I stood at the edge of the bridge, I know no one will stop me because it ready night to see me.

"hello, what are you doing dear?"
I heard a man's voice not far away,
I ignored still looking at the water

"do you remember me?" he asked,I turned looked at him
"do you remember me, at the park" he asked again coming closer, no don't remember him, trying to remember his face,
"my daughter is wake she is even talking, she is so happy" what is he saying, oh I remembered, last week I was at the park hawking, I over heard a man begging the bus driver that his car broke down on the road, he left his wallet in it when he got into the bus to hospital were his daughter needed blood and he was the match of hers, he pleased with the driver that he should wait let him go inside the hospital and bring money for him but the driver refused and hold him from going, so I heard of his daughter I gave the driver his fees then left him, the man greeted me and disappeared in a flash.

"she fine now, we are so happy you have know idea what you did"
he said, he was now close to me, he got hold of my hand and pulled me down from there, I begin to cry he made to tell him everything about my home, I felt dizzy everything went blank,
I woke up at hospital my mom was there, the man and another woman sitting on the bed beside my head, I learnt that she is the man's wife, mom was crying she asked me what has happened to me I told all that happened at my dad's friend house mom was coursing him, my little sister got her treatment, mom delivered baby boy and got a big provision shop, I started new school by help the man who paying me and my sister's school fees, he is a lawyer he sent my dad's friend to court for child abuse he got what he deserves.
my life became a testimony, what goes around comes around be good to people not only to those who are close to you but also to strangers, you don't know who is who or who will be who to you in future.

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