

Soul Retirement, Recharge, Restore, Tire
At end of the Consciousness Journey, at end of Consciousness evolution, in Era of newly Holistic Reality, at stage of Soul and Self Connection establishment, in all these conditions Soul gets retired at the termination point or ending of Soul Journey. When soul leaves our body, when we leave this world and it's attachment then soul gets fully retired. Soul attachment with the earth no longer exists after final soul retirement. Retired Soul have the much load of Spiritual and Consciousness Journey experience, in the load retired soul seeking for release, freedom then the final retirement means leaving our body forever. In seeking of freedom, release retirement takes place in soul. Retired Soul always reflected on our perception, outlook, view by having holistic perception and view to reality and outer world. The newly shaped self, the evoluted Consciousness all these are signs of having retired soul in us or possessing the retired soul. All the Journey comes back in more matured and evoluted form accumulated in soul, the matured version of soul in journey towards maturity, freedom, mindfulness and gratitude, the more gratitude, mindfulness we have more we recharge our soul, the more Consciousness we have more we charge up our soul. The retired soul always looking for being humble and grounded, the stillness and stability of soul. The response of Universe, way of getting the message from Universe are changed due to changing of perception about world as consequence of soul retirement. The tired soul in the materialistic world, in the load of fake things, in surrounding of Illusion, the void reality grows in soul, the nothingness increased in soul, only getting recharged can be solution for restoration of tired soul. Walking alone of soul, being isolated from outside Universe, materialistic world and it's feed makes the soul tired, the long journey of life, the long Consciousness Journey makes soul tired. The tiredness of soul is reflected on our Inner being and self being. The Journey accumulation, the load of Journey, the past baggage, the huge load of past makes our soul tired and also cause of tired self. For getting back to it's originality, original strength the restore of soul is needed so that intensity of soul can be increased. The soul can be ready for future, for getting steadiness state of soul recharge and restoration are required. The long term rest, meditation, yoga, spending time with nature are set of tools used to recharge our soul.
© Arka Samanta