

Electrified (part 2)
There was nothing but silence when I opened my eyes. Darkness seized the surrounding, making it hard to sight what was around me. The scent of new bedsheets danced in my nostrils, and I concluded I was on a bed.

The only thing faintly illuminating the room was a small screen on the right side of the bed, the emmited light barely visible. A digital heart shape was zooming in and out every second, and that was when I realized a needle was connect to my vein on my right wrist. The pipe attached to the needle then straight into a little hole of the ECG.

The screen was just the size of a laptop screen and it only showed three things on it. A heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure labeled right under the small logos that represented each of them. I could see my heart rate increasing as I stated intensely at the electrical impulses, the heavier I breathe the more it increase. I looked around to figure out where I was.

That wasn't all in the room, a lonely chair stood right across from me, its back against the wall. I wondered if someone had sat there to watch me. There wasn't any windows in the room, usually hospitals had at least one of them, I mean if only this place was a hospital. And it seemed like it wasn't.

The memories from last night flashed in my mind, replaying all the horrible moments I had gone through until someone captured me and knocked me out. Right, that muscular man that sneak up on me.

I remembered leaving Lisa alone at the night club, she must've been worried sick about my whereabouts. I need to head home. Had she informed the police that I was missing, or had she still not realize?

It was the best to get out of here before anything else happens to me. So I pulled the needle out of my blood vessel, but it was one wrong move. Because suddenly, red lights thundered across the room and sirens released in the air. It was coming from the little ECG beside my bed. I dropped my feet to the cold floor, stumbling a bit while standing up, and tried to shut the alarm but it wasn't working. If anyone come in here, they would caught me.

I made a quick decision to run so I headed towards the door, the only exit from this room. But boy, I didn't have any time to hide when the door unexpectedly opened and my gazes fell on the terrifying sight...


Note from author:

Eddie woke up in a room and didn't know where she was! Oh no, how is she gonna escape? And what did she saw when the door unexpectedly opened?

Be patient for the next chapter to know what happened to Eddie.

Lots of love to all the readers. Keep living a happy life!