

its creepy
There was function
Everybody playing on.the rooftop
Suddenly the children plans to.go the extended.part of the rooftop where no one goes Back of the virus outbreak
When all of them went there
There were people who had virus their faces is filled with stats.of virus
It looks so horror
There were all their friends who got affected by the virus
And they started to spread the virus by their touch
They give the virus to all of their friends
But somehow i m able to escape from there
But i was panicking
That scenes i saw was horrible
I tried to came to.my senses
I remembered that there was my brother who's playing on the rooftop with his friends
So i tried to go to my brother to save him
But i cant go from that route
So i went from another one
And sent my brother to moms room and locked it from front so everyone think that no one was there
I went in my room to take a breath
After that i heard a sound from the stairs
There were my cousins
Who's coming downstairs
Having the virus on their faces i saw from the window
They saw my door and they are approaching my door
They started banging the door
My window was open
They inserted their hand inside
I tried to close the window but their eyes paralyzed me
Suddenly the door opened automatically
They came inside and trying to touch me
To Spread the virus
But i somehow escaped
And went to the below floor
Everyone was working there coz there is a function going on
Everyone was busy
I m running in scarcity
Trying to think what to do now
And i heard a sound of coming of them

after that i woke up and i finally got to know that this is my dream
© Ak