

The helpful young men
The story of a boy who helped the needy and finally got rewarded for his goodness.

Once upon a time there lived a peasant who had seven sons and plenty of land. One morning when the peasant woke up, he found himself blind. A number of doctors were consulted and much money was spent, but in vain.

One day a strange faqir visited the blind peasant and said that he could see again if the ash of the eyes of a particular fish could be arranged and rubbed in his eyes. So it was decided that one of his sons would go to fetch the fish. Six of his elder sons got scared. Therefore, they were reluctant to go for the purpose. They advised their father to send the youngest son for it. The old man sent for him and asked him to fetch the required fish.

The young man set out for the remote on On his way he met with numerous that is determination and power bore fruit. He reached the destination When the young mon took the fish out of water, I cried, O wise man, please drop me back into the ocean Tell me what you want I promise you that I will be at your mercy if I do not fulfil my promise

The young man threw the fish back toto the ocean and said, I want your eyes. He narrated the whole story to the fish and the purpose for which he needed its eyes I am at your mercy my font. If you are determined to take out my eyes, I am ready But if I restore your father's eyesight without losing my eyes, will you spare my life? it asked.

How is it possible the young man asked.

Take some sand in your land and touch my closed eyelids with it Take the same sand with you and touch the closed eyelids of your father with it. He will get his eyesight back. I pray for your father's health Remember me in your hard times I may prove helpful to you said assuringly

Well I will leave you but in case my father does not get his sight back your life will not be spared. It is not just an ille threat I suggest that one must honour one's words Saying so he took the sand with him.

As soon as the father's eyelids were touched as advised his eyesight was restored. Other sts brothers got the amazing news and rushed to their father.

The grew jealous of their youngst brother. They feared that he would be the fact to the ther property. The eldest trother came forward and said. Thanks O Lord you have atred our father's such but dear father may I ask our youngest toother where are the eyes of the fish you needed. He has touched your eyelids just with sand. It teams chance that your eyesight has been restored, it was possible that the touch of the sand would have caused you injury. '

Other brothers stood by him. They compelled their father that he should be asked to bring the eyes of the fish. Their plan went well. The good son was desgraced to leave the house ar his dishonesty. He left the house and roamed aimlessly as he had nowhere to go.

One day as he was passing through a forest he noticed that black buck came running to hem. The small animal stood by him and spoke in a trembling voice.

Dear str the hunters are after me Please save me. I will help you whenever you call me. '

The young man trusted the buck Go Into this ditch and I will cover you with grass and leaves. When they go away I will call you back. The buck acted upon his advice When the hunters came they asked him Have you seen any buck this
way? "

What is a buck" he said

This fool does not know what a buck to Hurry up lest we should miss the opportunity they said

Come out now. They have gone away. The buck thanked him and promised to help him when he was in distress. The boy continued his journey.

After some time, he heard a cry. He stopped and looked in the direction from where the cry had come. He discovered that a jackal was being chased by hunters. The jackal approached him for help. The young man helped it too. The jackal too promised to help him in his hour of need.

The young man kept on wandering for many days He was tired and hungry and wanted to take some rest. He spotted a strange palace He decided to go inside the palace and meet its owner The palace belonged to a princess who was very beautiful. She was famous for a magic mirror She could see everything in it. She had proclaimed that she would marry the man who could evade his reflection in the magic mirror But he would be beheaded if traced in the mirror.

The young man saw human skulls of many young men who had failed in this adventurous task. But he was not afraid. He went to the princess fearlessly and accepted the challenge.

Now that you have come. the princess smiled, 'do you know the conditions?

'Of course, was his reply.

All right, hide yourself tonight Her voice was as sharp as a double-edged dagger.

At night, the young man went to the sea-shore and called forth the fish for help.

'Sure sure, said the fish. I will hide you in my stomach and go deep into the ocean.

The princess took up the mirror She rotated it in every direction. At last she succeeded in tracing him. In the morning when the young man came, she told him his hiding place

'Should you be beheaded now? The princess paused for a moment and said, "Well, you appear to be an interesting person. I give you another chance.

This time the young man went to the woods and called for the buck.

Hello, master what can I do for you? asked the buck.

On hearing the whole story, it said, 'Master sit on my horns. I will take you to the remote hills. '

Next morning, the princess told him that he was hiding in the hills..

One chance more but it will be the
last she warned

He returned to the forest and called for the jackal and narrated his sad story .

O Master don't worry. I will do my best ,'assured the jackal.

The jackal called for his fellow jackals and within no time there were hundreds of jackals all around him The Jackals held a conference They proposed that the young man should hide himself under the princess's bed. How could he reach there without the knowledge of the princess? It was planned that a tunnel should be dug Its other end should be right under the bed of the princess. The plan was executed immediately and the young man was right under her bed.

The princess woke up took the magic mirror in her hand and rotated it. But to her astonishment she could not trace the young man. She repeated the process a number of times but in vain. At last she got sick of this job. She smashed the mirror against the lamp post. Come out young man. I have lost the game she cried.

The next moment the young man came out from under her bed. The princess was surprised at his intelligence She accepted her defeat and agreed to marry him Thereafter the young man lived with his wife happily.

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