

why do I stay!
why do I stay when I know he doesn't care,why do I stay cuz I can find love somewhere else!
He acts like if I'm there it's cool if I'm not there then it's better for him because then he can find the girl he truly wants to be with.
Your wrong he says; I do love u I do wanna be with u ,but let some other girl walk in and he all but throws me away. leaving me feeling worthless because if the person that professes to love me doesn't care then that must mean I'm worth nothing.
He seems to be looking for his happy ending with someone else. it's like he keeps me around as a just in case he can't find anyone better than at least the dumb batch is still there.
So I begin to ask myself ,
Wh do I stay?
If he's to blind to stupid to see all the beauty that I possess and all the love I have for him
why don't I go?
Maybe because I'm weak, no wait that I am not
maybe because I'm. stupid
no no not me either...
Then what,what would make me stay with someone who for all intensive purpose acts like I'm a pebble in his shoe.
a person that refuses to see that he's pushing away the greatest love he will ever know
so to everyone who asks ,Why do I stay?
I say I stay because I love