

The Drummer Boy and The Heart King
Isai and Irudhaiyaraj walks on the pavement and enters a coffee shop.

Isai: Why do you always prefer this coffee shop?
Irudhaiyaraj: This is the coffee shop I found to be hygienic. I started to come here after the covid-19 lockdown.
Isai: Yes, once I too entered in. But there were all people from well to do family.
Irudhaiyaraj: Yes this is run by the ones who are called to be of high caste.
Isai: Caste?
Irudhaiyaraj: Yes bro. I don't like discussing such topics. Yet I need you to know about our people's cruel segregation
Isai: Cruel segregation?
Irudhaiyaraj: Yes. In early days man felt so hard to do every jobs individually. Jobs like ironware, brickware, hunting, thatching, digging, and workers like goldsmith, woodcutter, drumming, singing and so on. So they divided the works among themselves based on their individual skills.
Isai: Isn't that all your imaginations? Hey come on. Speak openly.
Irudhaiyara: Maybe. I don't know.
Isai: It's OK. Come on. Make this time interesting. Say about you.
Irudhaiyaraj: Oh! Me? So openly. I don't want to mention any caste's Name. Yet I would make this hour interesting for you by giving you magnificent meaning for every job.
You know I am a priest. And my job is to lead the hearts on God's altar. I guide the hearts of the devotees to God's altar. I possess God's heart since I hear His words from His heart and share it with the people.
Isai: Then you say you are on the top?
Irudhaiyaraj: Hey no boy. I say everyone who hears the voice of God's heart is on the top. But every one must search for it.
Isai: OK. What do you mean by Sacrifice?
Irudhaiyaraj: Sacrifice means.... Hey I didn't mean cutting off and shedding blood. That's all have done and finished by Christ. The only thing is that our hearts must accept him within to possess His heart for us.
Isai: Oh. Right right. Go on.
Irudhaiyaraj: Mmm. What is the first job I mentioned?
Isai: Ah.. Ironware
Irudhaiyaraj: Ah... In olden days men needed an iron material to Sacrifice fat sheep for God.
Isai: Oh. That's why there came a need for an ironsmith.
Irudhaiyaraj: Then. Shall I continue?
Isai: Yeah yeah. You go on.
Irudhaiyaraj: Then men wanted to build a temple of God for them to worship.
Isai: So they needed a brickware job done by some amon themselves?
Irudhaiyaraj: Yes, You are right. There was a need even for wearing clean aprons to be perfectly covered for them to worship God. So they needed the hunting men. So that others can divide other works among themselves.
Isai: So you say everyone does the job for Godsake?
Irudhaiyaraj: Yes. That's what I meant to say.
Isai: You continue Irudhai. We don't have much time to be here. We need to leave space for others.
Irudhaiyaraj: Then. Come on. Let's go out and walk and talk.

Isai and Irudhaiyaraj walks out of the Coffee shop

Isai: Why are these people remain so silent sitting here? They look like the dumb puppets. Only our voices are audible.
Irudhaiyaraj: They are busy with this modern world.
Isai: Hmmmm?
Irudhaiyaraj: I mean they are busy with their mobile phones.
Isai: Yes. That's right. You continue your thesis Irudhaiyaraj.
Irudhaiyaraj: Thesis? wow! hey! Nice title. I like it. Then comes the thatching job. Men wanted to worship God even in rainy 🌧 season. So they needed a thatched roof over the stone-built altar.
Then comes digging. When animals die, it smells bad while decomposing. It would spoil the cleanliness of the area of temple and the inhabitants.So they selected those who are good at digging the earth to Bury the dead corpse. God blessed them because they strive to offer a pure and holy offering for God.
Goldsmith is the next one in this thesis now. Men wished to offer sweet fragrance from incense sticks and powders for God. So to collect those incense products in a vessel men wanted a golden vessel. So they chose a skillful group of men to make golden vessels for God's temple. Then comes the need for discussing about the woodcutter. Men found that thatched roofs aren't longlasting. So they chose a group of men to search for precious woods in the forest and to cut them for carpentry work. Then comes the carpenter. Men chose a group of people who could make a perfect wooden roof for the temple. Then men wanted to thank God for blessing all their works and cultivation. So they decided to sing His goodness and chose a group to sing and needed a musician. Hence they found an efficient Drummer and other music players too to create an interest in men to praise God.
Isai: Oh yes. I remember the song .....Come they told me parampampampam.
Isai and Irudhaiyaraj: A new born king to see paraampampampam rampampampam rampapmampam...
Irudhaiyaraj: And hu... let's sit a while in this bust stop. Himmm. I am too tired Isai. This thesis will never end.
Isai: Yes Irudhai. It goes on like a spring well. All your points arrive at....
Irudhaiyaraj: I want all my opinions to arrive at one point. That is, all men do their jobs for their God, the Creator. As Bible says, 'In every give thanks to God and in everything glorify God'. And make His world of creations best and beautiful for Him by guarding His creatures on earth. No job is inferior or superior to the other.
Isai: Yes. I also remember what Thiru Valluvar says,

"All men that live are one in circumstances of birth;
Diversities of works give each his special worth."

Couplet Explanation:
All human beings are same in their birth but differ as regards their characteristics of works, but there is no difference in their humanistic characteristics.

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