

Little Fur Balls of Hope
One fine afternoon, stress and anxiety trapped Cassie’s brain cells as the whole world was locked due to the deadly pandemic. Those days all she could do in her profuse leisure time was to peep outside her kitchen window and admire the beauty of nature. But that afternoon she was in tears, holding tightly the grills of the window to prevent herself from breaking down completely. After some moments of sharp breaths she regained her control and wiped her tears. It was now that she noticed the five little birds sitting on a single branch. They were a shade of brown with their furry bodies and tiny eyes. They were sticking to each other as if they were posing for a photograph. As she stood there secretly witnessing there special moment, memories of past flooded her mind. That last day of school, outside the gate, all of them glued to each other, posing for the camera. The reminder of that last group hug brought fresh tears down her cheek. She missed it all. She envied the birds out there. She desired the freedom of those days.
After a while of modeling, the birds started flying. Cassie could see that the midgets were sort of playing, going round and round, chasing each other and chirping. Their hilarious romp brought another set of memories into her mind. It was a sunny day and they sweat themselves running all across the fields and laughing madly. Another day they were at the park swinging high and yelling loud. Yet another time they were chatting beside the road and stuffing their mouths with chips. Cassie gave a sudden laugh as she remembered her mimicry behind the teacher’s back. Then she took a deep breath and a smile spread on her teary face. She was wondering about those tiny fur balls that were spreading joy and love even in those difficult times. They were unaware of the situation at hand. Cassie lost her sorrow in their innocence. Her smile grew wider as hope filled her heart and mind. Hope that those days of bliss would return and the streets will come to life again. Hope that the world will mend itself and be strong again. She wished that those fur angels playing out there would fly everywhere spreading the joy into the world.
That night Cassie slept well. In her dreams, she saw herself playing with her friends on the ground with the vast blue sky above her. She dreamt of swings, chips and roadside food. Now, her soul knew better than to cry and wail for it understood the power of hope.
© Sanika