

Dream to Succeed.... Part- I
Long ago, somewhere in the sacred land of India, there lived a boy with his family consisting of his father, mother and three sisters. That family was a middle class family. The boy's father was a government teacher in the village while mother was a housewife. His sisters were students in government school. That boy was of 4 when his parents decided to send him to town with his uncle and aunt for studies. They talked to his uncle and aunt for it and they we're ready to keep that boy with them.

Finally the day came when that boy has to leave the village back and step towards the life at town. His sisters were sad as their brother now have to live far from them. His father and mother came to send him at his uncle's home. That little boy was very happy to see his uncle and aunt and unaware of the matter going on.
He enjoyed that day at town very much. He was excited to see different shops and different people.

The next day was the time for his addmission in his new school where he has to start his basic studies. He went there along with his father and uncle. He was little nervous but soon was made comfortable by his uncle. They met the principal of that school and after the conversation of half an hour his name was enrolled and he got his addmission.

The next day was the day for his parents to leave. They got ready and seeing them he asked them "Where are you going Papa an Mama?". Listings his polite question his mother was emotional. His father told him that they are now going home back. Listing this he.....

To be continued...

- Sidhant Mehra