

Not just a day..
A day, just a day. what is a day or what happens in a day. Lately I've been thinking about it a lot 'day'. what happens in a day. Well, not exacthy same for all of us. we really don't realise the power of a day untill things happen which completely shakes us up and pluck out our innermost roots. Some days are tiring, exhausting you wake up with tears in your eyes you just wish to see no more of a day.when some days are bright and cheerful where you never want a day a to end. One single day can totally change someone's life from better to worse or from the worse nightmare to a dreamyland where everything seems to be better. It's the same day when one is smiling having the best day of their lives when on the same day someone must be living the worst days of their lives. When we lose someone precious in a day automatically that day and date are set as never erasable tatoo not on body but into soul. And the day becomes setmark on our life as the worst day. Blaming on something that doesn't even make sense. Was that the day's fault that things happened which you didn't want to happen. I'm not judging anyone but sometimes it happens maybe because we find ourselves helpless a nobody else to put the blame on.
Yesterday I saw a life turned upside down for someone. When it was just a mundane day for most of us the same routine everyday. I saw someone else was living every second of the day as nightmare. I thought he must be pleading for his life and the day to go back so he could change things. But he couldn't cuz it was the day that already passed on. I guess sometimes we just cannot hold onto things from happening. A day might be just 24hrs but lot happens in just 24hrs. Within seconds hundreds die, hunderds are born, thousands lose hope, thousands gain hope, millions might cry, millions might be smiling. within day we get embrassed, we fall sick, we curse, we fall in love, we get heart broken, we get slapped,punched pushed towards the dreadly nightmares etc etc. Just fill your own day thoughts. There might be plenty enough of your own.
I read this in a book that said " when everyday goes the same we forget to see the good things happening around us".
well not exactly the same sentence but the meaning would be same. My life these days just seems dreadful. It may not be that bad but I don't feel like being at a place where I am and I just can't run away. Every passing minute seems thousand years but somehow I do get a reason to smile so it's not so dreadful. I'm trying to see the bright side. Not easy but still trying.
For the one who had such patience to read this I want to say thank you for reading my unconscious thoughts. And whatever or however your day might be going just cheer up. If it's going bad take a deep breath and let go it will be ok and if you're already having a good day then share it and give someone else a reason to smile like you and let them have a good night sleep.