

Different Worlds- part 2.
The diagnosis of DDNOS (dissociative disorder not otherwise specified) did not come about until I was about 33 years of age. I was first diagnosed schizoaffective at around age 17. multiple personalities was not well known at the time and when I told a psychiatrist that I heard crying in my head they automatically felt I was having auditory hallucinations. Later in life Dr. Wilson, a doctor that I will forever be grateful to, sat down & listened to me. I explained that I wasn't having "command hallucinations"; that I was hearing a little girl crying. She sounded very much like myself as a small child crying in my head. We looked at the entire picture. At the fact that I'd lose chunks of time... that throughout life people have been accusing me of doing/saying things that I have no recollection of.
He diagnosed me with DID (Dissociative identity disorder) & later changed it to DDNOS (dissociative disorder not otherwise specified) due to the fact that I had "age regression" not alters. An alter would be a completely different personality. With age regression, I have "parts". All me, just at different ages. The little girl crying in my head wasn't a hallucination, it was a younger version of myself crying because of the abuse. This made so much sense to me, so much had happened to me throughout my life that I could not explain and I finally had an explanation. My Little personalities don't cause a big disturbance in my life. I just need to be even more careful because I could easily get hurt, being that I'm in a grown body with the mindset of a child. The Teenagers are another story; not so much the 17 yr. old but 13&15. My 13 yr. old Teenage personality is very bitter and depressed and my 15 yr. old personality has severe anger management problems. Chapter 3 will be dedicated to them exclusively.

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