

Part of my story
Do you recall having a grudge towards someone in the past? What difference does it make now? Please give your thoughts on the subject via writing a story.

Yes. I do recall having a grudge towards someone in the past, My Father unfortunately. You see my father was went to prison when I was only 3 months old. I met him for the first time at the age of 16. You see, the moment he laid his eyes on me a few years later, he didn't seem anxious to see me. In fact my friends he had just came back from a walk to the store and he had bags in his hand, you would think that after all of these years he would've dropped everything in his hands, scoop me in his as and hug me. That wasn't his first thought. He went upstairs and I sat outside waiting for 45 minutes. Meanwhile I'm still outside with my mom, aunt's, and grandmother. "Where's your dad at"? asked my grandma. That's when my mother comes and takes a walk with me and my aunt. She calls my grandfather to come and get us and take us home. So after a while of being on the phone we decided to leave. 3 minutes later he finally comes back outside. Fast forward 2 years later he pops up for a visit with one of my aunt's after his "Fiance" pulls out his dreads. We had made plans for the next day to come and hangout with me. He never showed up. I had to work 3rd shift that night and I had called off. Then I called my job back too let them know I'd show up for work. This was New year's eve to be exact. I already had a couple of wine coolers in my system so I ran to work drunk. When I got home that night I told my dad that it was either his girlfriend or me. It was obvious what his choice was. 6 years later now I have a baby. He missed out on my entire pregnancy ( I had a high risk pregnancy.) I had to be put on bed rest. I told him I was engaged many months before ever getting pregnant, he told me straight up; "Oh baby, we can't have another James in the family". Like he had ever been in my life enough for him to even have the right to even have an opinion on the matter. I have an older sister who refuses to even speak to me because of the way he treated her. She won't contact him either. He always treated me differently then the way he did her. So to answer the question I guess you can say in a way that, well I'm still not totally and completely over it. I shouldn't have my older half sister ignoring me or resenting me because of the way he treated her before. So that's that. Thank you for reading
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