

What's the Perfect Man
Once upon a time in a vibrant city filled with dreamers and aspiring lovebirds, there lived a man named Derek. He possessed all the qualities that every woman yearned for - intelligence, kindness, and a captivating charm. Yet, despite his outstanding qualities, Derek couldn't seem to find a woman who was truly compatible with him.

One fateful day, as if the universe had finally aligned, Derek crossed paths with a woman named Lily. She couldn't help but notice the extraordinary beauty within him, but she couldn't help but be skeptical. How could someone be so perfect and yet still be single after a decade? Intrigued, Lily couldn't resist digging deeper and unraveling the truth behind Derek's enigmatic persona.

With curiosity filling her, Lily decided to engage in some discreet snooping around. She subtly probed Derek about his past relationships and came to learn that his last girlfriend had taken advantage of his kind nature, leaving him scarred. This only intensified her bewilderment. How could such a remarkable man remain unattached for so long?

In her quest for answers, Lily began observing Derek closely during their dates. She watched his every move, searching for the slightest hint of imperfection. But to her perplexity, Derek seemed flawless. For three whole months, he displayed nothing but genuine kindness and unwavering integrity, which only deepened Lily's affection for him.

One magical evening, as the moonlight painted the city with a romantic glow, they shared an intimate and unforgettable night. The chemistry between them was undeniable. Derek's kiss warmed her soul, his eyes mesmerized her, and his laugh echoed deep within her heart. It was a connection that transcended any doubts she had held onto. Lily had fallen deeply in love.

But then fate dealt a cruel blow. The next morning, Lily received the devastating news that Derek had tragically passed away from a sudden heart attack. Shocked and brokenhearted, she was thrust into a vortex of disbelief. Had she finally found the perfect man, only to lose him so suddenly? What did this mean for her future?

Overwhelmed by grief, Lily sought solace in Derek's mother, who was also mourning the loss of her son. Through their shared sorrow, they found comfort in one another. They spent days supporting each other, sharing memories, and revealing the depths of their souls. In the midst of loss, an unexpected bond blossomed between the two women.

As the day of Derek's funeral arrived, emotions ran high. Friends and family gathered to bid him farewell. An outpouring of grief filled the room as loved ones spoke of his greatness. Derek's mother, emotionally overwhelmed, struggled to complete her speech, overcome by tears.

Finally, it was Lily's turn to give her speech, to express her love and profound loss. But just as she began to speak, a gasp of astonishment filled the air. Derek himself, with a grand gasp of air, emerged from the casket, stunning everyone in attendance. The room erupted in a mixture of screams, gasps, and joyful confusion.

Overwhelmed with relief, Derek had heard Lily's heartfelt speech and wanted to say the three words she had longed to hear. It turned out that the reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated - the doctor's announced that his vitals were perfectly normal. It had been nothing more than an extraordinary twist of fate.

Overjoyed and with a renewed sense of urgency, Lily didn't waste any time. She asked Derek to marry her right then and there. Without hesitation, he accepted, knowing that life was too precious to waste a single moment apart. Their wedding was a grand affair, filled with love, laughter, and even some unexpected mishaps.

When the time came for Derek to make his grand entrance at the ceremony, disaster struck. His meticulously prepared suit had gone missing at the dry cleaners, leaving him with no choice but to hastily purchase a replacement from a nearby thrift store. He appeared at the altar in a hilariously tacky fuzzy blazer from the '70s.

Instead of feeling embarrassed, Lily burst into laughter. The fact that Derek had made it, despite the fashion faux pas, only deepened her love for him. In that special moment, they exchanged vows and sealed their love with a kiss, surrounded by their closest friends and family.

As their lips met, one of the groomsmen, who had indulged in a particularly potent "magic" joint before the wedding, found himself strangely mesmerized by Derek's fuzzy blazer. In his altered state of mind, he couldn't help but wonder if the jacket possessed some mystical powers.

And so, the story ends with the wedding festivities in full swing, the groomsmen lost in his own hazy wonderland. As for Derek and Lily, they embarked on a journey of love, laughter, and learning from one another's quirks and imperfections. For sometimes, the most perfect love stories are born out of the most unexpected twists of fate.
© NightSwimThePoet