

You have got to be the highest magnitude of insanity to push someone over the edge, to provoke their anger on purpose, and to make them snap into a frantic episode of rage; so you can have a motive that would justify an excuse for you to physically harm them as soon as they try to retaliate. That is the cruelest most sickest prank anyone could ever pull on somebody else. A person's emotions is not to be played around with and there is nothing funny about dying or getting hurt. It's already bad enough that you're doing this because you shouldn't be doing it at all, but to do it every chance you get like it's a "full time" career is below the belt and overstepping the limit. If there were levels to being insane; you would be on the level that is above the toppest level. It is the point after the end of a particular point!! That's where you are on the insanity scale. There is crazy, crazier, and craziest!! No more words exist or comes after craziest. If it was; that is what you would be!! You're the type of crazy that is off the chart. I prefer to get mad at something that requires me to be angry and is worth my wrath.... I prefer to get mad when it is the appropriate time to be mad and when it's necessary..... I prefer to get mad when it is for a reason that isn't small or stupid and makes perfect sense..... I prefer to get mad over something that is real and is genuinely the reason! Not something that is being used to look or seem like it's the reason when it's not...... I prefer to get mad at something that happened on its own! Not something that wasn't supposed to happen but was forced to happen and was purposely initiated out of pure immaturity, foolishness, and malevolence!! You are both rebelliously and forbiddenly taking the role of god and are tampering with destiny; if you intentionally create something that wasn't supposed to be created or start something that wasn't going to occur. A ruse, a stratagem, a subterfuge, a "set up", and an artifice is something that wasn't bound or destined to be! You might believe you are Jesus but you're not and you never will. Your goal this whole time was to trigger me to respond in a hostile way in return whenever you would test me and piss me off by doing or saying aggravating things that you planned and rehearsed more than once before acting on it. You wanted me to sabotage my safety and you wanted me to put myself at the risk of being harmed. That's why you were eager to get me to explode and defend myself!! You were desperately seeking a reason to fight me and to try to injure me or murder me. I apologize to myself for allowing it to go as far as it did! I was so caught up in my feelings that I wasn't paying attention to the big picture. I won't argue back and forth with you anymore!! From now on; I will confront you to your face and call you out on your bullshit the minute you choose to "act up." I noticed that you can't handle confrontation very well. You immediately straighten up and come to attention when someone exposes you, so that's what I'm gonna do!! If you wanna beat someone up or hurt someone that badly and if you are really that sick in the head; why not buy yourself a fake dummy that you can hit on and talk trash to whenever you please!!!???? It's better than causing harm to other people. Leave me alone and stop working up my nerves over nothing!! #mad #fight #provoke #dramaseeker #dramafeeder #dramastarter #onpurpose #pissedoff #insane #tickedoff
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