

Alone In The Dark
What happened?
I wake up in this Dark room how did I get here?
I can't remember anything , who done this too me ,I don't understand?
I'm feeling a bit sluggish , nauseous, my vision is a little blurry , I'm lost , confused, wandering what the hell happened to me , I'm in this Dark room no windows no door that I can see right now but there has to be a door cause how else would I get in here .
I'm yelling hello can anyone hear me but no response . I just sit there lost then a tear runs down my face am I going to die here? why me?
was I kidnapped I just need some answers and now. it's so quiet not a noise anywhere I'm scared and cold and hungry.
as I sit in silence with tears rolling down my face I'm wandering is this just a dream if so can I wake up now please God help me give me a sign why I'm here and how I got here.
I'm all alone in the dark and afraid, hours go by I don't even know if it's night or day outside I'm just cold I Hubbard' down in a corner cold and shivering crying till I fall asleep .
I get woken up by a noise then I hear a door close but where's the door ? then a tiny light above me comes on not much but I can see some . I look across from me there's a small table with food water I'm so hungry but wait should I eat this I don't know what is in it maybe poison drugs I don't know but I'm so hungry so I guess I will take my chances.
I eat the food wasn't too bad I guess I drank the water , I'm feeling fine so I guess It wasn't poisoned.
I tell again hello can you hear me why am I hear? please I just want to go home what did I do for this to happen to me please someone answer me please !
still no response I'm so cold I look around the room it's all brick medium size one room table stool and I see a mattress OMG I think I've been kidnapped but why ? who took me and how many is there I just want some answers and to go home .
( crying) now I just pray that I can escape some how .
worn out again after hours again it seems I'm tired I go over to the mattress I see and there's a blanket wow I'm wandering I guess these kidnappers have some what of a heart maybe just a little anyway they are taking care of me so I'm guessing they are not going to kill me at least not yet anyways , maybe they will let me go eventually since I haven't seen them or whoever took me I guess I can't do anything now I need to rest some more and try and figure out a way to get out of here I hope .
falling asleep again, when I get woke up again with the sound of another female crying . looking around and to my surprise there's another girl locked in here with me I'm really scared and confused now I try to talk to her but she has a gag in her mouth and just starring at the floor .
what the hell is going on here I yell again . I see more water so I drink it I'm thirsty all I remember next is feeling very tired I've been drugged looking over at the other girl in here with me is all I remember and I'm out.
( hours go by)
I wake up again feeling a little dizzy , then I remember the girl in here with me I look over to check on her again and no one's there. where the hell did she go was I dreaming she was here ?
couldn't have .then it dawned on me OMG I was drugged and knocked out because they didn't want me to see them and they came back to take the girl out of here .
but where would they take her? why am I still here? I start screaming as loud as I can for help .
then I hear a muffled man's voice , don't sound familiar he says no one can hear you ,
why am I hear I ask crying who are you where is the other girl what do you want with me?
he yells at me telling me to shut up so I stop whimpering scared .
it's quiet for a minute then he says your time will come soon. I ask what does that mean ? then he just laughs and then the lights go out again and I'm all alone in the dark again. no answers nothing I guess this is where I will die and Never know why .
it's been days with no noise no food no water I'm hungry all I can do is lay here and sleep .
I'm getting weak, from lack of food and water no contact with anyone no answers nothing I'm being left alone in the dark to die and rot never Knowing anything never seeing my family and friends don't even know how long they will look for me before they give up from never finding me I lay here in this cold room waiting to die alone in the dark.
© Elizabeth Light