

As I hath said before, I do confess that I did kill my own best friend in cold-blood. Yet, I am not some deranged killer! Your belief in this I implore. What may be seen as a demoniac, cold-blooded murder on October the fourth, actually may be the terrible tale of Manton's horror! Let me thus remember - and relate - my terrible tale.

My friend and I - as said by thy witness - were last found in the pub of Jot street, of Leincomtober, drinking and laughing annoyingly in the afternoon of that day. I don't exactly remember this; yet it may have been true - I indeed might not remember since I was not sober during this time. What I do remember, remember vividly, is some sort of walk into Merit Park with my best friend.

According to thy associates, there are not at all any sort of demoniac thing that could set our scene; yet there must be something you missed!

We walked past the restricted perimeter for an unknown reason - but please! Listen; harken carefully! Why we entered the cave, you may ask, well... here be my reason: a demoniac, gelatinous, terrible, horrible, horrid screech! This screech was something seeming to be something out of Hell! 'Oh! Run! Git' in the cave!' I screeched as we ran.

Each step we took rumbled and shook the cave. We walked for what seemed to be aeons; aeons in which had been long; terrible; infinitely horrible; cold; and dismal. With their dismal waning was there a door thereafter, which was dusty and desolate - I doubt it could have been made recently. I can still remember how rough and dry it was. And whence we opened the door, we saw some hellish black goo, which moved and extended disgustingly in this hoary cave.

It seemed to be alive, some sort of living slime with a faint language constructed by the faint clicks. The thing must have been very aged; an archaic thing made if black mire.

'Wut yew think it is?' my friend asked me in a faint, curious, quiet voice, staring at the thing that lay beneath my feet. I tried my best to speak - so much that I became speechless! 'Uh, I dunno! Try ta' stay away from it tho'".

We proceeded in lurking these terrible caves.

Yet, there was one other thing we saw, gentlemen, a terrible structure, large, vast, tall, and drawn on; a weird, horrible monolith

We could not resist walking towards it, and touching the cold, archaic stone. The wind whined monotonously, and invaded the olden room of the cave, thence showing us how cold it must have been outside. Yet that is not the most terrible thing inside the cave; the most horrible thing was the horrible tents we discovered, empty and unknown. And beside the first tent, there was a terrible, rotting, archaic body of what seemed to be an aged society forgotten by man.

For a moment we cried; for a moment we were disturbed; for an eternity I was horrified! And this...this was because of what I realized what I had done! What I hath seen lay beside my feet was my best friend's body! Yet, I cannot tell ye what forced me to kill him...it can drive ye mad too!

NO! Don't make me! NO! Oh God! No! NO! It-it was...dear God! It was...


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