


Emma sat on her bed, while Johnson sat back on the Chair,they stared at each other...

"what do you want from me?" Emma asked

"what did you say?"... Johnson acted shocked...

"why are you so kind to me, no one can be this kind without ulterior motives..." she said...

Johnson laughed hard.... "I bet Miss Emma has been through ill luck recently to ask that... can't one be kind just for kindness sake?"... he asked jokingly...

"it's not funny... all my Life I strive to be kind in the little ways I can to people but they always betray me, I might look hard on the surface, but my heart is golden, I wish someone can just be truthful to me for once... I ask again Mr Johnson, what's your kindness for? you even looked after me all night... I don't understand why, we're not related in any way... "she inquired...

Johnson stared at her, in his mind he said" don't worry Emma, very soon... we'll be related in a special way "... then he stood up...

" ok Emma, just have your rest, your phone is beside you bed and it's fully charged, you can now use it, am heading home to change, I'll be back by evening I need to go to work "then he walked few steps when Emma's voice stopped him in his steps...

" when am well, I'll work hard to pay you back, I don't like to owe anyone "she said almost in a whisper...

Johnson sood backing her...hissed and exhaled air.." ok fine, do what ever you want, but take your time, you don't need to rush the payment "he spoke through gritted teeths...

" thank you "Emma didn't notice that what she said offended him...

Johnson walked out on her without answering

he got into his car, took his cigarettes, lit it up and let out smoke... he thought..." she's really not materialistic, I will learn to love her more from now onwards, I will repay her with forever for saving my life back then" he ended his thoughts... "take me home"... he ordered...

Emma decided to go out on a stroll, immediately she came out she found 3 bodyguards standing guard at her door... "I thought you guys left with your boss?"... she asked in surprise..

"no... boss asked that we protect you no matter what... so we're here..."

Emma laughed.. "am not a baby that needs guiding"...

"we must follow orders" they concluded...

"ok snice you're here now, you will follow my orders, I don't want any of you following me for my stroll or else , I'll report you all to your boss I bet you wouldn't want to be in his bad books" she ordered...

the bodyguards looked down confused on what to do....

"that's what I thought" Emma walked out on them...

"what do we do now?" one of them asked...

Ham, one of the bodyguards answered "let's just follow her closely, if she comes to harm our boss will not forgive us either..."...