

The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her. Joaquin called his friend Johnny to clean up his mess. Joaquin got out of there as quickly as he could. He drove to the nearest state Nevada. Johnny called and said, "it's done, your clear, no one will ever know a thing." Joaquin danced like the joker once again. His agent called and said he had a movie for him. Joaquin was interested. The movie was about a detective, a mystery, and a true story. His agent also said that Brad Pitt, Robert De Niro, and Natalie Portman were also going to star in the movie. Joaquin was excited. He began to prepare for his role. He was playing the detective. He watched old detective movies. He called Brad, Robert and Natalie to see if they wanted to hang out at his hotel in Nevada for the weekend. They all said yes. They all came over and had some dinner in his room first. They had lasagna, beef and vegan. There was champagne, wine, desserts, and more food for five other people. They laughed and talked about the script for hours. Then they drove to the desert. They were practicing for the movie. They each had a script. Robert already memorized his lines. Everyone was impressed. "Seriously Robert, how do you do it?", asked Natalie. Robert just shrugged and laughed. Brad and Joaquin couldn't stop laughing. The moon was full that night and the stars were amazing. Natalie said, "look a shooting star!". Everyone gazed at the stars. The night was beautiful and magical.
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