

Zora The Mighty Warrior Part 4
“now you both go take some rest, you guys must be tired” the King said looking towards Zora and his daughter. It was a night time. Zora was standing on the battlement of the castle and was taking a view over the Kingdom, Tiana comes to him. “what are you looking at" she asks Zora. “nothing, today finally the people looks happy" Zora replies with a smile. “it’s all because of you, if you did not come in our lives then nothing would have changed” she tells Zora with a loving smile. Zora looks at her and smiles. “well on my mission I had a partner like you so obviously I succeeded “saying this he gives a loving smile as well and both could not resist anymore and they end up kissing each other.
Next day Zora was taking a walk in the Kingdom, the people were looking at him and greeting him with a smile as they knew that he is the one who will set them free from the sorcerer. Tiana comes to him. “I was looking for you in the castle but found you here” she says with a smile. “i was just taking a walk in your kingdom" Zora replied with a smile. “before I forget again, I wanted to ask you about the dead army of the pirates which Molan had mentioned when we met him, what’s the story behind that" she asked with curiosity. “it’s a long story, will talk about it some other day” Zora replied with a smile. “it seems this is not the first time you are helping someone" Tiana ask with smile and curiosity . “as you know I travel a lot and in my life I have met lot of people, I have seen lot of things, my whole life has been like a adventure, and so here I am in your kingdom for yet another adventure, I like doing difficult task, I like accepting challenges, I like danger" Zora replied. “so that’s the reason why you decided to help us" Tiana asked. Zora says yes with a smile. “I thought am also the reason for you staying here to help us" Tiana asked with a Mysterious Smile. Hearing this Zora smiles. “well you are also one of the reason” Zora replies and walks forward and Tiana smiles. Weeks passes and finally the day arrives when Kanisa is about to send her flying beast Urazo to get one young woman from the Kingdom for the sacrifice. The king, Tiana, Arom, Zora and the soldiers of the kingdom waits for Urazo to arrive. Suddenly they see dark clouds covering up the sky. The king tells Zora that the same dark clouds had covered the sky when last time the beast had come.
Hearing this, Zora takes his sword in hand and gets ready. They hear the same monster cry in the sky which they had heard last time. And finally Urazo appears in the Sky, he comes towards the Kingdom, people start running here and there to save their lives. Urazo lands on the ground and picks one girl and take her. Seeing this Zora does not waste time and he gets ready with his flying horse and follows the beast. In the sky while following the beast Zora notices a portal opening in the sky and the beast flying towards the portal. The beast enters the portal and looking at him Zora too enters the portal with his horse. And then the porter gets disappeared. When Zora enters the portal, he finds himself into a complete new place and a new world. The moment he enters that place he can sense evil vibes there as that’s how the place was, it looked very scary and the whole place was covered with darkness, there was thunder and lightning going on in the clouds, birds were flying in the sky, but these were not regular normal birds, they looked scary and they resembled somewhat like flying dragons but they were small in size like birds. Urazo was flying towards a castle which was situated high on a mountain. The castle was very Huge and dark black in colour. He took the girl into the castle. Zora followed him and flied towards the castle. Urazo landed down and took the young woman with her inside the castle while the young woman was shouting and crying. The moment Urazo entered the castle, Zora too landed in front of the castle with his flying horse. He got up from the horse, kept the horse aside and started looking around the castle, he realised that going inside the castle from the front door will be too dangerous so he took his sword with him and carried the bottle having the water of the river and went towards the backside of the castle. On the backside of the castle, Zora finds a way to climb up on the castle, he sees a window up, Zora starts climbing the castle and moves forward towards the window. He finally ends up reaching towards the window and he enters inside.

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