


This story is completely fictional if you are a fan of Marvel or DC or any Anime content then I hope you will enjoy this story and please read it's previous chapters because each chapter is related to each other and if you find any kind of mistakes then comment me so that I can rectify those in upcoming chapters



Part -2

Narrator : At the night after the festival, Yamagishi and Pablo were talking about the appearance of the fruit after 500 years of the battle of "Vallalah against the those surface yetis"!!

Pablo : master you called me!!
Yamagishi : inform the SEF headquarter the fruit have taken it's shape!!
Pablo : yes master!!
Yamagishi : and also be alert, things are going to change!!
Pablo : change?? what do you mean by that master!!
Yamagishi : there are people who will want to have it!!
Pablo : but no human can consume that fruit except those surface yeti!!
Yamagishi : yah!! but it doesn't mean they will not try to steal it!! even the battle between Vallalah and those surface Yeti happened only after the Yeti consumed those fruits!!
Pablo : I understand master,but last time the Vallalah's win the battle,and everyone is aware of the power of SEF,no one will try to mess up themselves!!
Yamagishi : we don't know future!! unexpected things always happens without warning,like today happened!!
Pablo : what??? what do you mean by that master?
Yamagishi : the tree haven't give a fruit once in 500 years,now it does!!
Pablo : don't be worry master!!,I will inform the SEF headquarters !!
Yamagishi : yah!! go get some sleep now!!
Pablo : Sensi ! Okkoe and Gin have moved out few times ago to the Hasimottos's kingdom, there was some kind of problem so King called Okkoe!!
Yamagishi : I understand!! Things may turn out anytime it's better less number of students remain here so that if anything happens then I can go all out!!
Pablo : yes master!!
Narrator : Babel was eavesdropping their conversation!! That's why when the battle begins on the morning, Babel took his run towards the tree to protect the fruit!!

Scene 4 ,

Narrator : The battle have just began,and no one have been shown up infront of Babel, this making Babel to self doubt, because everyone out there were fighting with their lives and he is just standing infront of a tree!!

Ophelia : Babel-kun what are you doing here??
Babel : I'm just guarding this tree!!
Ophelia : why do you do, and how do you know someone gonna attack this tree!!
Babel : what!!! are you thinking I'm behind this all??
Amon : well well !! look these love birds!!
Babel and Ophelia : (reacted towards the voice)
Amon : don't worry!! I'm not gonna hurt you,if you won't try to stop me or anything reckless that gonna piss me off!!
Ophelia : that depends on what the hell you want!!
Amon : well!! you are looking like a quite civilized person!! okay then I just want that fruit when that anti rhythm field will get destroyed!!
Ophelia : That won't possible!! for that you need to beat Yamagishi sensei!! and you are 1000years early to lay a finger on him!!
Babel : Sensei???
Ophelia : yah I'm a Pro!! I'm one of Yamagishi's student!! and now undercover till 6 years!!
Babel : You may be lying!! I never felt your rhythm once!!
Ophelia : when you become a Pro you will learn how to suppress your rhythm!!
Amon : shut up!!and what did you say 1000 years earlier..huh!!... it's only a matter of time!!
Ophelia : what do you mean by that!!

Scene 1,

(Riona,Kale and Gurren are fighting at their best but their opponent is way much powerful to handle, a little scratches aren't enough to beat Zepre)

Narrator : but as you know, hardwork never die in vain, there efforts to beat Zepre led those three to use a combo attack, then named it "death canon"
Riona through his staff in air in concentrating her wind rhythm over it and Kale just hit it with his burning hammer like a needle ,that fusion created a extreme reasonance and Riona's staff moved more than thrice of the speed of sound and at the similar time Gurren released a barrage of bullets and manipulated them to whirl arround the staff and that hell attack was "death canon" that thing makes Zepre to take seriously!! and there is a collision and a wave just travelled in air!!
Zepre : Aoki rhythm Baliskhhhhh!!
Narrator : That attack was quite impressive that led everyone to stop for a moment!!
after the blast was over it was like Zepre got some serious look in his eyes,his body was wounded at several parts,but he was still moving , but Riona and Kale have used most of their power and they are quite unable to stand!! as Gurren's spine is artificial but still it was just a low model architect, which is only made to make him able to live as a human,it wasn't not made of tough battles like this,so Gurren is also in a tough situation as Riona and Kale!!
Zepre : wohooo!! that quite a large scale attack,if I haven't activated my rhythm then that canon might have taken my head,I was barely saved because it was delivered by weakling like you,!!
Riona : damn it!!,(I can't feel my body)
Kale : curse you devil!!
Zepre : (evil smile) ha ha ha!! how can you curse me if you are the one who going to die!!
Narrator : with lesser than an eye blink, Zepre reacted to someone who is just appeared just behind him, Zepre just jumped away in cautiousness,it was none other than Yamagishi!!
Yamagishi : all of you fought well!! now leave things from here!!
Zepre : ( before a second ago I just felt his life energy inside the mansion but now he is just present a few centimetres away from me ,this overwhelming aura releasing from his old body is even higher than me, there is no doubt this old man is their Sensei Yamagishi)
Zepre : so you are their Sensei!!
Yamagishi : what do you want?? you are not here for attack!! because you know you cannot defeat me!! and if you have wanted something then you might have attacked in my absence!!
Zepre : woh woh woh!!! you have a lot of nerves to talk!!
Yamagishi : you are just a kid!! go on and live your life!! I won't give you a second chance!!
Zepre : I don't even need once!! " Aoki rhythm Baliskh"
Yamagishi : you are a true warrior!! knowing you gonna die you didn't even finch, I gonna fight you like a warrior too "Aoki rhythm Lion"
(Kale,Riona,Babel, Ophelia, Gurren,Elias, Sorren, and others Everyone just felt
Narrator : Yamagishi is basically a modifier so his Aoki rhythm Lion modifies his body,the old Yamagishi modified onhis powers are way more powerful than Zepre!!
Zepre : alright!!(with a smile) burn up!!

Scene 4,

Amon : oyi oyi!! that sizzling aura! it means Yamagishi is out!!
Ophelia : others been defeated by that guy!!
Babel : what do you mean by Yamagishi is out!!
Amon : don't you understand!! why would we risk our lives to fight against an ex-ultra pro without being prepared upto such level!!
Ophelia : don't tell me!! it's a trap!!
Amon : yes my lady it is!!
Babel : (from above Amon ) Blood Bullet (a thousands of blood sickels just rained as bullets) .
Narrator : when Babel released blood bullet , Ophelia tried to make that an chance to reach Yamagishi!! but that didn't happened!!
Amon : Coin Cage!!!(a cage of coins just trapped Ophelia) where are you going sweety??
Babel : (breaked the cage) (with a serious glance) don't ever try to touch her with your filthy coin of yours!!
Ophelia : (activated her rhythm)
Narrator : now the battle began!!

Scene 1

Narrator : Zepre is at his full potential but that not even scratching Yamagishi a bit, the battle was totally turn out against Zepre, but Zepre wasn't looking worried a bit this making Yamagishi to think hard,but suddenly the land below Yamagishi began to move on it's own and when Yamagishi tried to jump out of the land two hands from the land just grabbed Yamagishi's leg, Zepre just attacked him and successfully landed a punch on him!!
(kale , Riona and Gurren are badly injured they can't even feel their body,they are completely drained out of stamina and power )
Zepre : do you really think I would be that fool to come alone to fight a legend!! This is the best case scenario to take you down !!
Yamagishi : (with a smile) you mean the absence of Julius and Liam makes the best case scenario to kill me!! ha-ha-ha you are way too younger to think that,now I understand why two of you are here!!
Zepre : (he knew) oyi Saw came out!!
Saw : haa!! you called my name now he will know!!
Zepre : he already know!! don't worry we got him buddy!!
Saw : let's roll out!!
Narrator : Zepre and Saw were fighting against Yamagishi and that battle was so emense none of them are holding back!!

scene 3,

Narrator : as we have known that both Sorren and Elias landed two surprise attack that made Ajak to get two direct hits over him! After two succesful hits Elias and Sorren gained a little confident over themselves!! at the meantime when Yamagishi awakened his rhythm they get more confident even the villagers get a hope!!
Ajak : (after sensing Yamagishi's aura) so this is on!!! now this time I have to get a bit serious!!(his rhythm just awakened)
Sorren : whatt!! this guy is just holding up!!
Elias : the attacks we made at our best isn't nothing at this from!!
Sorren : Elias!! you ready to dance with me!!
Elias : anytime partner!!
Sorren : we gotta stop this guy right here!!
(both Sorren and Elias dashed towards Ajak )
Narrator : looking at the will of both these kids Ajak gave smile and said...
Ajak : "I will love to kill you both when you are at your full potential" but for now I'm gonna toy with you!!

Scene 2

Narrator : both the brothers Dune and Gin are fighting with their black domain, meanwhile Okkoe is busy with battle against Keaton and Shred!!
Gin : Dune!! why are you doing this! you aren't like this before!! return home brother!!
Dune : shut up!! If you wanna live then fight,if I find any opening I am gonna hit to hard and then Kill you!!
Gin : stop talking nonsense!! if you had wanted to kill me then you already have done that years ago but you just left me wounded!!
Dune : haaa!!!if you want to die so badly then!! I will show you my true powers!!(a deep breathing)Aoki rhythm!!
Gin : whatttt?? Aoki rhythm!! I never managed to use Aoki rhythm, whatever I use is only Black Domain!!how did!!
Dune :(a concentrated water ball just created)
Gin : whattt!! he is truly trying to kill me this time!!
Dune : if you can't use Black Domain at it's full potential and never have created your rhythm, you are just a useless!! I don't know why our grandfather said that your fate is to be strongest among us!! it's just a lie!! Sionera brother "WATER MATTER DRIVE"
Gin : (just listened to Dune's word and dot depressed with the memories and on the next moment..) I don't know what grandfather said about me, if you are that eagered to kill me then I gonna hate you as my brother,I gonna hate you for killing our family,I gonna hate you for beating me to death ,I gonna hate you for destroying my friends kingdom , you are the person whom I hate the most and now I'm gonna use my hate against you!!(the atmosphere changed and Gin pronounced)
( both the energy just crushed each other)
Narrator : Okkoe using his partially developed Mantis Sword rhythm against Shred and Keaton !! there battle was so terrifying that with a contact with blades a energy wave is just releasing and that is destroying the things even more!! their battle was to bits, a slight distraction can take a limb away from the body! Their battle making the citizens and even the soldiers to fear because none of them have the strength to stop that battle and if any of them even tried to then they gonna die!! as their battle is getting worst so Okkoe is even protecting as many civilians in the zone of battle and swiftly dragging both out of Keaton and Shred, taking them to an open field!! As the things were out of control of the soldiers so the air force of the Hasimottos's came to action with some righer rank soldiers, another troupe just moved towards Gin and Dune!!
Okkoe : My technique is incomplete but this is enough for brats like you!!"Mantis six fang slash"
Narrator : That insane attack of Okkoe just take an arm of Keaton and wounded Shred at his chest region!!The collision between Gin's RED VELVET and Dune's WATER MATTER DRIVE was a huge explosion, but both remained unharmed!!Both of them have used most of their energy but Gin's hate for Dune isn't over yet so he just dashed towards him recklessly!!
Dune :(just delivered a clean hit to Gin's neck)
Gin :(came back to normal)
Dune : Stopping me won't stop the thing what going to happen at that mountain!! (entered into a void)
Gin : (looked towards Dune)what do you mean by that?? Duneee!!
Narrator : At the meanwhile a group of ships from Hasimotto kingdom pointed their gun towards Gin ! but one of them just shouted for not to harm that guy she was none other than Freya, a childhood friend of Okkoe and also knew Gin as well!!
Gin : Freya!!!
Freya : what are you doing here!! and where did that other guy go!!
Gin : I don't have time to explain those can you just lend me a ride!!
Freya : where??
Gin : to the Academy!!

Scene 3,

Narrator : from the moment Ajak used his rhythm the odds are against Sorren and Elias,they are getting beaten up so badly!! during the fight Sorren realised that he is only capable of producing electricity from the snap of his right hand his left hands aren't producing any kind of attack, and as each snap costs so much of energy and it also hampers his skin,his right hand fingers are bleeding badly,he is in a stage that he can't even snap once, his wounds are so deep that he can feel his finger bones!! He also broke his few bones!! As per Elias's transformation his strength is muscular right arm and as he isn't even good as Sorren in terms of combat so it's easy for Ajak to dodge it and deliver a return hit to him, Elias also get many punches from Ajak,he got many bones broken he is loosing his strength even to stand up!!
Sorren :(with his damaged body) I'm not gonna let you to take my sister!! haaaaaa
Ajak : (bammmm a clean hit to Sorren's chest, some cracks also appeared in his ribs)
Sorren : (is coughing blood)
Ajak : (while toying with Sorren) didn't I said you I'm gonna toy with you!! There is no chance you can beat me!! I would hate to kill you now but if I didn't do it then you won't stop!! so rest in peace Sorren!!
Serren : stop!!! I will go with you!! leave my brother!! he won't even resist you!!
Ajak : you gave your word sweetie!!
Serren : uhhh!!!
Sorren : don't do it!! I still can fight!!
Serren :(with tears in her eyes) stop it oni-chan!! go get treated and train harder! and return powerful and kick ass of this bastard!! you are the best brother in this world!!
Ajak : enough chats!! lets go!!

Scene 4,

Amon : oyi oyi !! stop crying kid!! we haven't finished our buisness!!
Babel : ( crying over holding Ophelia's body) shut up!!!shut up!!! shut up!!!
you will dieeee!!!! Korosu! Korosu! Korosu!!!( an enormous amount of aura just piked out !! that aura is even stronger than Ophelia!!)
Riona : whatt is that aura!! is that Babel-kun's power!!
Kale : he seems to be ferocious!!
Gurren : I don't see Ophelia around!!
Riona : don't tell me!! Babel-kun is mad because of Ophelia-kun is....
Amon : oyi oyi!! You can't be serious!!
Babel : Hell yahh!! I am dead serious!! "Blood Mattock"
Amon : this isn't what I told about!!
Babel : didn't I told you to keep your filthy coin out of her!!
Amon : (with fear) stop there!! I said stop there!!!
Babel : I will stop after I take your head off!!!
Narrator : Babel just used his Blood Maddock and with a single slash blew away Amon's head out!!!

Scene 1,

Narrator : Zepre and Saw are fighting against Yamagishi but it was like just a Yamagishi is just showing off!!
Saw : (to Zepre) is this really two against one?? and where is your damn trump card about what you assured me!!
Zepre : wait wait!! I'm just waiting for the right time!!
Saw : when will your right time appeared!! when we die!!!!
(The moment when Babel used his blood mattock that's when Yamagishi got a bit distracted a )
Zepre : (this is the moment I'm waiting for)
Saw : (used his sand to trap Yamagishi)
Yamagishi : same trick won't work twice kid!!!(suddenly Yamagishi realised that Zepre's negative aura is present everywhere around him)
Narrator : Zepre use his negative emotions and create his aoki rhythm technique to use the powers of Balisk, and Balisk is an ancient snake with it's prime weapon as poison, that's why his rhythm technique allow him to spread it around and then modify them into poisions!!
Yamagishi : whatttt!!! he checkmate me!!
Riona kale and Gurren : just saw a massive purple cloud just appeared and it was just the poison!!
Narrator : that moment Gurren just realised that Babel's blood technique can wipe out the poison so Gurren was just about to move Babel appeared there!!
Yamagishi : ( just coughed blood)(he just returned into his old form) Now I have to use that!!
Narrator : The thing about which Yamagishi is talking about is his special attack "GREEN SULPHUR" and to neutralize the poison he was about to use it on himself!! viewing the situation both used another course of attack but "Green Sulphur" is an anti-rhytm technique so their attack won't even reached near him!!! Before Yamagishi could use "Green Sulphur" over him, a man with tough looking eyes from a distance of about 3km from the battlefield just aimed with his bow and launched an arrow!!
Yamagishi : (looking at the arrow) RYAN!!!
Ryan : Gomen!!! Yamagishi Sensei
Narrator : That arrow just created a Viel arround Yamagishi!!
Babel,Riona ,Kale,Gurren : senseiiiii!!!!!

Scene 3,

Ajak : (was just 2 metres away taking Serren with him, and just felt the energy of " green sulphur")
Sorren :(just get motivated for a second and saw that Ajak is distracted, so using all his strength he just dashed to take out Ajak's arm)
Narrator : But the coincidence is just waiting for him, the moment he was about to touch Ajak's hand, subconsciously Ajak threw Serren into the Void, and then within a millisecond Ajak felt the presence of Sorren behind him,he grabbed Sorren's leg and threw him away!! At the meantime a jet just appeared flying into the sky of Thale they were Freya and Gin!!
Gin : (looking into that veil)what the hell is that!!!
Freya : (looking into Zepre) who's that guy!!!
Ajak : (after throwing Sorren away, he just view the plane) it's Hasimottos's aircraft!! does that mean they got defeated!! oyi is that Gin!! (to his troops) everyone fallout!! the mission is done!!
Elias : (self talking) not enough!! not enough!! not enough!! everyone is trying their best to make the things right, I'm just holding them back,not this time!!(suddenly Elias's legs get more muscular and letting him to provide a thrust)
Narrator: noticing Ajak distracted again , Elias with his full strength,just passed Ajak and entered into the Void, and took up Serren and dashed back to the Void and everything just happened within a blink, Elias is about to move out of the void, but Ajak had already realised that and he was just prepared with a punch and then a clean hit to Elais's face, and resend Elias into the Void, then Ajak entered into the Void and escaped out!!
Sorren : (with bleeding so much saw Elias also get captured by those villans!!
Gin : (aiming towards Zepre) oyi Freya do you have emergency exit??
Freya : yeahh!! but why you ask!!
Gin : because what I'm gonna do, your ship may get crashed!!
Freya : what do you mean by that!!
Gin : "Black Domain" 40% (and just jumped out like a missile towards Zepre, and as we know each action have equal and opposite reaction, the impact of Black Domain just crushed Freya's ship into two halfs!!
Zepre : (the moment he realised someone is close to him, he found Gin's fist is just a 5cm away from his chin)
Gin : (with furious look) remember this name!! "GIN FUJI"
Narrator : That punch just crashed Zepre in the land!!
Narrator : Then suddenly the Viel just fade off and something unexpected just happened!! It's Sensei Yamagishi lying dead on floor with a hole in his chest!!

Narrator : Suddenly there was extreme silence in the entire moutain,Riona , Kale,Gurren,Gin, Babel all of them sorrounded around the body of Yamagishi,they can't believe that their beloved master is no more!!but the battle isn't over yet!!
Zepre : how dare you to touch me!!! now face your death as your master felt!! "BALISK BITE"
Narrator : Before Gin react, Babel just get caught in it and his body just shattered!! Suddenly a void opened and Zepre was about to leave!!
Zepre : we will meet Soon Gin Fuji!!(then he entered into the void)

Narrator : After a few minutes the some members of SEF arrived !! The moment they reached out they find Yamagishi is dead so they all showed their respect!!
Riona : (saw that Sorren in the ambulance with oxygen) what happened!! where is Elias!!
Random officer : we don't know about whom you are saying but we only find this guy there, we have the information that many villagers were also get kidnapped,we don't find any traces but I think that boy you were talking about is also get kidnapped!!
Kale : we can't let them have this!!
Random officer : but for now!! we have orders to take you!!
Gurren : where!! and who gave you that order!!
Random officer : it's your father!! Gordon fueligon(aka Gord)!!!!!!!


Thank you all for having so much patience of reading this story of mine,I hope you all will love this, and next chapter "THE EXTRACTION" is coming soon !!

© P.S.Bidhan Kumar