

Thanks to Destiny
Back to 2009 in India, Chhavi was scrolling on her laptop looking for fully funded scholarship to study in abroad. Her mom yelled " Chhavi come fast and take your lunch beta, I've other household works too", "coming maa". After lunch Sumi aunty, Chhavi's father's elder sister came. "How is your preparation for boards?" aunty Sumi asked
"umm... it's nice" Chhavi answered
"work hard, your father want you to become doctor you know na" aunty Sumi said.
"yeah buwa" said Chhavi and went back to her room and again started searching for scholarship.

Few months later:

It was May 2010, Chhavi's Board exam results were going to out....Chhavi was in tension, calling and texting her friends, relatives calling her....things were going up down on her mind.
At 10:00am. the results are out! Chhavi with fear on her heart & shaking hands she typed her details kn CBSE website. Each and every second was stressful for her she closed her eyes when the results loaded on website she opened her eyes slowly amd luckily she scored 92.7%. She was in cloud 9 she shouted "oh yeah I did it" everyone was very happy except her father, he said "what kind lf marks is this huh? you cannot even score 95% amd you're so happy. Atleast open your eyes now fool, we're from general category you won't get admission in any medical college with such kind of marks...now only if you can get sbove 600 on entrance then only you can get admission" within a second Chhavi's happiness were shattered. She was upset for few days until she received a call from Mrs. Tamanna Shastri, one of an abroad counsellor.
"Hello! am I talking to Miss Chhavi Sinha?"
"yes, this is me Chhavi Sinha, who are you?"
"I'm Mrs. Tammana Shastri from Abroad Studies Helpers & I want to give you a very good news and that's that you've received a fully funded scholarship in Queen Marry University Of London. Congratulations Chhavi"
"Really? are you sure? I still cannot believe"
"Chhavi just check your email and complete your documents then talk to the University directly and give us a feedback"
"Ok ya ya I got it I got the email. Thankyou thankyou so much."
"Okay Chhavi bye have a nice day if you've any other questions regarding this then you can email me"
"Ok ok bye thankyou so much" and Chhavi ended the call. She was burst out into tears of joy. She shared the news with her family & friends. Everyone were happy and finally the day came when Chhavi was going to leave India for London. "I'll miss you all so much and my dear Rhythm I'll miss you the most chotu. Di and you will meet soon okay. Take care, bye mom, bye dad, bye di, bye bhai, bye buwa, bye everyone. Chhavi will not come back anymore, instead of her Dr.Chhavi will come, don't forget to welcome her when she will come in India" with tears on her eyes Chhavi said and with tears of joy her family said bye to her. After a travel of 9 hours the airhostess announced "We've reached in London City Airport, passengers be ready to land" Chhavi woke up and saw the beautiful London from the aeroplane window. with a beautiful smile she said to herself "we've reached our destination Chhavi". When the plane landed, Chhavi took her luggage and stepped outside the airport and then Mr.Stan Williams waved his hand towards Chhavi "Hey there Miss Chhavi! it's you right" Chhavi waved back and said "yay it's me, you're Mr.Willisms right?. Sir I was about to call you"
"No problem Miss Sinha come on it's time to go" Mr.William said. With her, more two girls, Prajakta Khanna and Urvi Miranda were there whom Mr.Williams took Chhavi in the hostel of Queen Mary University of London.
Chhavi, Urvi and Prajakta were kept on the same room. Three of them talked and becomes friendly with each other. Urvi said "We are here in London, I still cannot believe" "I've never imagined that I'll get scholarship" said Prajakta "it's like we're on the another world" Chhavi said. They talked for so long and slept. On the 1st day of college Dr. Vilset Granger gave his 1st lecture and explained them on how they will go through the system. After the College, Dr. Swift told the students to go in General Physician sector according to their roll no. they were told to meet their mentors as they are going to do BS program and internship together within 3 years instead of 6. They've to work with general doctors who also graduated this year. Chhavi knocked at the door "Sir, may i come in?" she said "Come in Miss.Chhavi Sinha" Dr. Jai Sengar said. Chhavi went inside the room and met Dr. Senger who was doing work on his laptop, looking on his laptop he said to Chhavi "Sit there" . Chhavi was

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