

What's Your Problem?
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How can you just become angry all of a sudden?
how can you just let dark clouds overshadow you?
how can you just allow you self be stressed, thinking about what some else had done to you when there are greater things to live for.
What's your problem?
You! and only you know what's wrong with you.
Doctors can prescribe the medicine for your headache but you know exactly what you are thinking of that's stressing you all the way up!
Snap out of it! You need to stop worrying yourself on little issues. You need to get up, dust yourself and move on.
Life isn't going to be smooth all the time; if it was, we wouldn't even have anything to learn from.
Chill! People are not perfect, most people would break you for others to heal you up. People are there for learning and experiences. You cannot just sit there, crying your eyes out because somebody made you feel bad. What's your problem!?
Get up! there are better people and things out there. You have things to accomplish, dreams to pursue, competitions to win; People are looking up to you. You are someone's mentor, someone's mom(Dad), someone's big aunty(Uncle), someone's crush! Get yourself together and move on. Lift your head up like your nose is bleeding and do some great winning.
You're loved!
#NothingInspirational #JustVibes
© damithemessenger