

I made a promise to myself. No more expectations. And it works for some time. Until I pass by a place where you held my hand. Until I see a picture of you and your gorgeous smile. Until I listen to a song that you played for me on the guitar, your sweet voice always in my ears.

Little by little, day by day, I lose a piece of my heart, of my soul, of my sanity. Does it delight you or do you simply don't care? Pieces of me scattered around the earth. Longing for your hands to pick them up. To put me together. Complete me.

I am supposed to forget about you. I guess it would make my life easier. Though I am wondering whether I could still call it life. Your eyes looking at me means life, your body embracing mine makes me feel alive. To know that you are there, living, breathing, struggling and succeeding on your journey. That's live.

You must think I am silly. What about my life? And you are right. But see it is connected to yours. Has been for a long time. Maybe before we were born. The moon and the stars know all about it. Even the sun shines brighter in your presence. Every day I wish I could tell you what you already know. That I love you. But I don't want to bother you more.

Your name on my lips.

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