

My Fault
"Sweetheart, this was for you." a familiar voice whispered in my ear before I heard their footsteps walk away. I passed out, waking up in a hospital bed. What happened? Why am I here? I look around and see the News. A school shooting. I remember.

I had been in the bathroom, skipping class because we had a test that I was so not prepared for. Pretty sure I was in the bathroom, messaging my friend William. He was absent that day, and was asking me if I was skipping the test because I responded more than usual during school hours. Before I knew it, a gun shot had went off and screaming struck out. I heard the intercom turn on, the lady speaking before another blast was heard. She was gasping and screaming. Before I knew it, everything went quiet. Two girls had ran in the bathroom, getting into a stall and crying. Should I have been crying? I was sitting there and dazed out of my mind. One girl was calling the cops, crying and trying to speak. The other was trying to calm her down.

It seemed like hours before the cops arrived. More so because after about ten minutes all I heard was constant screaming, pleading, gun shots, and I was having a panic attack in the stall. More worried about what could happen to me. God, I had felt so selfish. The two girls screamed when they heard the gunshots get closer. Before I knew footsteps were walking in the bathroom.

"Lauren?" A guy had whispered, kicking open the closest stall before I heard someone yell.

"Please please no! Whatever I did I'm so sorry!" she screamed. Was that Lauren and Trish? I couldn't hear Trish, she was probably in shock. Lauren was pleading for her life.


A gunshot blasted again, ringing in my ear, Trish screaming before I heard another blast and her gasping. I couldn't help but cry, the two girls were certainly not innocent but no one deserved something like that. Footsteps approached the stall I was at, a gentle knock.

"Tiffany?" someone whispered. Was that...
"William?" I gasped as he kicked open the door, I had quickly went further into the stall.
"I did it, what you wanted." he grinned. I hated the way he grinned at that moment. He didn't just do it because of they bullied me. He did not because he got off on it.
"Nonononono. I did NOT want this!" I cried. "Trish and Lauren might have not been the kindest but I NEVER wished for...for this!?" I yelled.
William looked at me, no emotions in his eyes. Just a frown.
"They deserved it. You said you wanted them to plead for your forgivness."
"You KILLED them...I just wanted them to apologize.-" I whimpered.
"They would have never apologized for all the bullying they have done to you. For five years, ever since 8th grade they have done NOTHING but make your life miserable.Not just them but EVERYONE." he hollered.
"You're si-"
"Don't tell me I'm sick. I did this FOR YOU." he screamed more.

"Drop the weapon! Hands behind your back!" An officer yelled, but I had blacked out. Passed out on the ground. When I woke up just a little bit, I heard ringing and his voice.
"Sweetheart, I did this for you."


Guys, remember, violence is never the answer.

© Mari