

God's Creation
For Anissa

You know when someone introduces you to a new series, a soap opera, or a book filled with drama, you can't help but get hooked. I myself have been recently caught up with the cuteness of those adorable primates.
I am an animal lover, and my pets are like family.
As I continued to watch these videos, I felt that something just wasn't right. I saw more than what I guess most would see.
Of course this is just from my perspective, and I just wish that people wouldn't be so blind in seeing what's happening to these poor creatures.
I for one believe that things aren't always as they seem, and I found myself very disappointed with the lack of compassion, and lack of humanity that I have witnessed.
These are my thoughts about one particular case. Some may be familiar with the subject that I am referring to.
I of course am expressing my own incite on this. By no means are my intentions to disrespect anyone, nor do I wish anyone ill will, but I feel that I should share how I feel about this.
It's truly disturbing, and sad.


RIP Anissa

An accident as they call it that recently happened is really disgusting.
Following these poor animals for hours on end with a camera within a few steps away, and yet no one caught the actual accident on video that they say occured.
I've watched many of them and was appalled by what I saw.
Just like many other's who have died horrible deaths, and without proof of how they incurred their injuries seems questionable.
The camera says it all when they are constantly all up in those animals faces.
With a closer look of Anissa's injury, it is my opinion that she was struck with some object. She has been hit by a motor bike before which was caught on video, and was hit pretty hard from what I saw. A bloody nose and busted lip, along with a limp, but that was the extent of her injuries.
I must mention that these animals can endure life's unfortunate but natural incidents. Unless of course a little help to make it more exciting, more dramatic was created for viewers, etc ....
It is truly heartbreaking that not a care was given about these poor animals, and the saddest, and pathetic thing about all of this is that Anissa's life, a much loved monkey by many of the natives and others was taken away too soon from a sister " Alba " that obviously loved her very much. Yes they are animals, but that doesn't mean they don't feel. I've seen them express sorrow, and shed tears.
The disgusting part is that the disrespect continued as the camera's were still all up in their faces while they mourned their loss.
Shaking my head thinking about the word " pity " is used a lot in those video titles, but I think that the pitiful ones are those who destroy the lives of these adorable animals.

Written by
Sarah M Gutierrez

# SMG521
# MyJournal

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