

Part 2 To Who Ever Story This Maybe
The story's are not over
I have a car
And when I ride
anything can happen
So I must tell you
it all started out good
but situations are always
turning right
So I go to get my stuff from
gas station
and this what happened
A stranger walks up
and says hello
this my car bitch
then I am knocked to the ground
the gas station attendant runs out
the booth to help
So he puts me in a chair his
store and I wait for police and
ambulance to care for me
why this shit happen to me.
So they take my statements
they take my I'd of person
but I don't know him he was
a stranger
So how will I find that bastard
Then I get a ride home
from police
So once I get a ride home
I get my back up call a friend to
drive me
then we riding
to see who is going to
get got for stealing
my whip
So 4 hours go past nothing
but in a shady part of town
there's my whip
And it's parked at a house
So I run fast to it
pick the lock
and open the door
And no keys
So I have to go inside
with my
And see who home
So I look then I see him
in my mind all I want to do
is kick his ads
So I go in his. drive way area
and he under another car
So I kick him where are my
keys. You robbing me. a lady
well you picked the wrong one
today. So I got him under. anger
and he. was gotten good and
then I see when he hit the ground
my keys fall out his pocket
then I grab them 🏃
then run to my car
and me and my ride pull out
and drive
away from the scene
to make sure we go
We drive to my house
I guess this. wrong got right real fast
you know.

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