

The unattainable purpose
once upon a time there was a man called Juhha walking on foot while his son was riding a donkey; when Juhha went past a group of people, they exclaimed and wondered: "what an unfair", " the father is walking and his son riding!". Then Juhha decided to exchange the positions with his son, so he rode on the donkey and his son started walking, then during his jouney met another group, but they exclaimed and wondered counter to what the first group did: "what an unfair!", " the man is riding and his little son walking on foot"!; then Juhha this time decided to descend of the donkey and both he and his son walk on foot. When he went past another group of people they wondered:" what an unfair!", " the donkey is free, and the two people are walking on foot"; then at last Juhha understood that satisfying people is an unattainble purpose, then said to his son: go on son, cause satisfying is an unattainable purpose.