

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror. I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I was standing meters away from the hospital fence. I decided on reaching for the fence but all the labour was in vain as the fence was three times my hight. So I began to shiver and quiver in fear of the dreadful approaching steps. Towards the right side of the fence I made eye contact with three pillars; breathlessly, I ran to the pillars for sanctuary as the light in the direction was a bit pale and dim.
Standing in between the pillars, flickers of light from outside the fence began pointing towards my direction; I heard words spoken in whispers. At first, I wanted calling them out for help not until I realized my heart was pounding in reluctant of the idea and began to think "what if they're armed robbers, kidnappers or rather put ritualist? But what will bring them here at this hour of the night?" I was amidst this preoccupation when the being finally made its debut before my naked eyes and began to walk towards my direction. It was a bit late when I deciphered the flickers of light and the whispers from outside the fence were signals pointing at me. It was already late and no other direction to ran to as I was already caught up so I stood trembling in the pillars as my refuge had expired and there was no other place I could ran to.
The being was much more closer than before; standing a meter and a half close me. He was a feet and a half above my hight. He was putting on a long tick black overall which stopped two inches below his knee and was putting on a hoodie and a mask which stopped right below his nose. I heard sounds of metal sweeping the floor as he approached. I looked to his legs and saw him in shining black boots of about two feet. In his right-hand was something that looks like an axe and his left-hand armed with something likely resembling a butcher's knife as it glitters even in the dark hour of the night. Haplessly, I folded myself with my head lain between my knee and my hands crossed on the knee.
As soon as I made eye contact with him, he halted for a while and began murmuring something to himself as if he was performing incantations to a deity. He became more serious and aggressive than before and began to growl like a hungry dog as he resumes his walk towards me. Timidly, my stomach became a battle ground; my intestines the warriors and began fighting each other while my tummy began to wobble accompanying the battle with rhythm. Consciously without break I began to weep and plead for his forgiveness and mercy; he stood pale and seemed to be touched with my sudden outburst of fear, plea and untough early surrender. "It's almost time", he said, and I made a thunderous outcry and almost gave up my breath. The ticktock of the clock was heard clearly as the night gets darker and I heard him mumbling figures after the clock. Finnally the clock began to ring, "it's time", he said, "fire", uniformly the hospital and the street lights were restored; music was played all over; the sky was embellished with fireworks; sounds of happiness and laughter were heard all over the locale. Out of curiosity, I almost forgotten the state I was moments before, and was admiring the atmosphere. However, with a tap on my shoulder, I turned in fear and saw Abu laughing loud at me. I was shocked and baffled on seeing him. "hahaha! It's all a prank. We never knew you are that simple to be carried away with such a cheap trick", he said laughing like a psychopath. "You guys should save the video now and come in", he said. I looked at him shamelessly and annoyed. "this is yours", he said while giving me the firework in his left-hand. "Happy New Year!", he said and fired the one in his right-hand.

© Sir Bams