

she is everything ..
'Yes, she's right. Of course, she's always right; she's pretty, she's generous! Yes, vile, base creature! And no one understands it except me, and no one ever will; and I can't explain it. They say she's very religious, so high-principled, so upright, so clever; but they don't see what I have seen. They don't know how she fucked up my life for 6 years, crushed everything that was living in me __ she has not once even thought that I'm a live man who must have love. They dont know how at every step she humiliated me, and just being pleased with herself. Haven't I striven? Striven with all my strength, to find something to give meaningful to my life? Haven't I struggled to love her? But the time came when I knew that I couldn't cheat myself any longer, that I was alive, that I was not to blame, that God has made me to love and live.'

© amy_s