

boot house belt throuse
The last bullet left the muzzle of his rifle with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight!

well you know, not all miracles are the same. some would say a miracles a miracle and maybe some would grumble and maybe some would call you sugar and buy you a cup of coffee with sugar no cream and a quarter. me, I'd probably dump out like 6 or 7 restaurant creamers and 30 packets of sugar. walk out with the glass and say keep the change. I'm a collector or sorts. well just leave it at that. anyway, to get back to whomever story Im telling, some miracles are like when music matches up in just the wrong places for all the right reasons . I wrote the same thing at the same time in the same mindframe, but matrixly, in my perspectives, I imagine us to be not at all in the same page , but on the same line.

kinda cool when you find out someone understands you thru and thru.

but half strap and full and a half kinda took me to a place. one story was a kitchen knife, adrenaline, and respect for love and all things old and new. another story was about a bone handled knife. mammoth tusk with the slightest crack at 4 possible strands . another story was an identical plastic-ish that willed the 6strand in.
that's fighting for you're life. that's war. if course yet another with similar but dainty in carry. and quick with the same intentions.

what kind of miracle is that? is that I'm a survivor as well. that baby cried for justice, u mean they all did,in a way. when you hear mommy fixed hell..all the sudden you can't wait to fucking light a cigarette and descend.

" not without my Fucking boots!"

5 means what five means . I don't know your specificities, but when 5 and 5 make ten. I know it's even . and I know one wouldn't be the loneliest number if they could teach the one to find the zero or something. either way these families are experiencing these life changing life threatening moments in history at the different times and same places. makes me really want to dot my TS and cross my eyes. I've seen innocence standing over a someone at 4 feet tall ready to by god I'm uglier than you are type shit. and that's the kind of innocence that stands in self defense . I knew that there was no other way out except in either concealiation, or one of those real God miracle type things. and so I probably fell right on my knees. or right at the little 4s feet until we both prayed. like a light wave man. they sliced in , some pulled up right on the blade . others nurtured. others flew arrow and spades thru invisible ghosts passing thru. and we fucking prayed.

next time we fix hell. we're gonna have a cap and whatever someone wants to call a boot. at this particular time.

I hope they're one of a kind and have twin hearts till the old house reverses in domino effect. one day it'll be a drive thru movie of all the great things we missed. if we want it to be . I'm rambling too much . this could be a great read.
if I wasn't so damn selfish.
gotta light?

meanwhile, on the other side of the string theory.... I was damn near sound deaf. like how the movies portray it. like the gun was right beside my head. laying down in a strafamiliar house.. reaching out would do little good, but it's a great memory for whomever cares about what happened. if I could figure out who it was. it's like nobody heard it through on my end. like it was coming from inside of my body to travel to my ears. it's either an innocent thing, or maybe It was someone I loved? what was the use? nobody would believe me anyways. it's like I almost got shot. and I almost did. above all else guard your heart.
and I'd take those plus five more if nature let me. cuz that's the kind of suffering miracles I can get in synch with. to save your life is to save all of mine.

what do they not get?
© chorus chrubble