

Street Souljah Mafia Nation and Final hour
story of a young man named Louis that created his own Mafia named Street soldier Mafia Nation to unite all Mafia to make one ultimate one to protect civilians from gang violence and from police so Louis has started the lessons for his crew in the hall at dolphin county prison in Harrisburg Pennsylvania back to the streets with his crew to make a difference then they made war worldwide to calm down the street than Louis made in tournament for all the leaders of the gangs to fight for Peace so first the leaders of the blood spot first in Louis one and made peace than the leader of crips fought in Lewisville and made peace then they leader of Latin Kings font and it was a good fight in Lewisville and made peace then there was world Peace then the government was not happy but impressed so they said for Lewis family and he jumped out the helicopter and got into the building and found the guys from The headless and shut down the lights and put on the night vision googles and shot them all in the head all headshots then burns the place and bodies down then went back to the helicopter the boss was impressed so he gave him and made and Louis went through the roof and she got the first two guys and he got the rest and the boss found out that there was going to kill him after they was done with him back to his family then later on they found him and sent him to upstate prison the saga continues so the saga continues Louis is an upstate prison and his maid was planning away then she found him in his cell and came in and made love and wild sex with him then they got dressed and tried to find their way out then the cut on and she talked to him back to his cell and came up with another plan she came back as a lawyer and proved that he was innocent then the government keep their eyes on him while he was laying low Lewis and his maid was working for their self-making their own hit list and protecting America the government knew about aliens in UFOs and worked with them secretly and that even deals with Lucifer and the fallen angels and unclean spirits and demons and having family tell the government comes for Louis again and send him to upstate until then we will take out as many enemies as we can to saga continues novel by Brandon Louis Jones AKA breezy Jones
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