

Chapter 11
A few minutes later...the memories stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was on the floor and my brother was looking at me with a frightened look. "Are you alright?", Itachi asked. "Yes.", the truth was....I wasn't. The last memory I had was Itachi...lying on the floor dead.
I got up and dusted myself off. "Let's go ahead and head back to the living room and find some ice pack for your head.", he walked passed me. Did he get any memories? How many other memories do I have? But...what else is he hiding?
"Come on...we don't want to be late.", I see my mother run into the carriage along with father. "I am still surprised how they can still run so fast!!", Hito said while putting their luggage in the carriage. "Do you want me to put your luggage in here ma.... uh Naruto.", he looked at me in a strange way. "Uh I got it Hito. However can you teach me how to ride the carriage?", he looked at me as if I had broken a priceless vase. "S-sure sir...uh...you really want to?", I nodded. "Uh okay...uh let me introduce you to the horses first.", he ran towards the horses. "This here is Vi.", I looked at Vi. She was a huge horse, but she was beautiful. She had pretty brown eyes, white hair, black hooves, and a sunbirthmark on her chest. "And this one beside Vi is Opal.", Hito rubbed Opals nose. Opal looked...like a night horse god. He had long braided, black hair, grey eyes, an ear missing, and he was even bigger. Well at least they don't need more horses. Those two make six in one package. "Come on... I can't show you how to ride if you just keep petting them.", it took Hito a few seconds to get up on the uh...I don't know what people call it, but it's the front of the carriage.
As soon as he got on there, I got up there.
I looked into Sauske's room. Good...he's asleep. I quietly closed the door and walked into the passage way. The painting....I know it has to do something with mother and father's. I just....need to found out how. I walked to the painting. Ugh....this painting has to mean something. Angry and upset I picked up the painting and threw it at the wall, but as soon as I did something like metal or glass hit the ground. But I know this passage like the back of my hand..there is nothing with metal or glass. I walked towards the painting and see something wrapped around in paper. I picked it up and examined it. Strange it has old vampire language. I unwrapped the paper and cut my finger. I hate paper cuts. I looked at the thing inside the paper. I don't get it. I turned that painting upside down to see what it was hiding and I never seen this. The thing was a glass ball with red dust inside and had faded silver wrapped around it as if it was a vine. Why...why did it suddenly pop up? What does it do? Wait....is it.......