

may be useful msg ...
6.47 pm sunday

so its a msg kind of if anyone want to understand on that level of incidents ...

App ..6pm ...

I remember my childhood days like every human
so i took my kites and let them free in wind for a while again after three yrs ...

For enjoying few time i seen a damn thing ...
A BAT cross over my kite ..nothing big concern ryt ...its normal seeing bats ..isnt it .at evening or when dark rises..

But what
When you seen a bat avrage human size .??.
what when they travel like a drone ??
east to west ...on same hight with same distance .
in group of ..1..then four .1 then four ....
propeling their wings like a robo..
when the last group depart ...

I was scared beacuse of my overthinking ...
and fear was not my overthinking
fear was like last epedemic yup that corona shit ..i was 90% over think(correct) and leave the job before two days and come to my home ...
and shit happend ...

Actually every overthinker can think every possible reason and free their brain without direction or depth just make brain free without logic n sense thats why they
always in pain n suffering by own mind ..
I can oprate mine one . ...when to leave when to think ...which direction ..how deep etc ..
so i m ok with this curse or blessing whatever
ppls meant for this word...

So all i mean does it all covered by indian defence satelites or radar??
Anyone working on it ??
May be we should ready for next BIG NEWS of this year??

what you guys thought??
suggest me in cmnt ...
beacuse i think some thing big
will happen like as the size of
those BATS ....

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