

Tips on how to survive the zombie Apocalypse
Do you know how to survive a zombie Apocalypse if it happened one day? let me know by commenting your answer.
Let's say a good amount of people in your city, community or country got infected or bitten by a zombie and you don't know what to do.

* Make sure to get things that's really important
*You need flashlight more than one if possible
* Make sure to get alot of cans food such as corn beef,suna,sadine,mackerel and also snacks.
* You need weapons of course such as knife,gun,Axe etc.
*You need duct tape
* Clothes,Water,a care kit
*Always remember that not because you have shelter don't mean you safe your never safe.
*Never drink too much of your water always remember to save for another day.
* avoid getting bite by any zombie
*Try your best to kill them even if your family and someone you love got infected.
* Move around smart and quietly.
* Never turned your back to a zombie
*Beware of humans because they will still stab you in the back just to save themselves.
*Whenever your killing a zombie always go for the brian.
*Find some where safe before dark
*You'll definitely need a map, gloves, first aid kit,compass.
*Try avoiding wearing bright clothes
*makeup and heels are not necessary,wear a pants,shirt, jacket and boots you will need to run as fast as you can.
*You might be eating dried fruits as well.
*You also need pills just in case you get sick so you will need Advil,panadals and other necessary pills. you will need fire sources such as lighter,mat or blankets to sleep on and prevent you from the cold. You will need a machete, silence handgun,mask and rope.
*Whenever a human gets infected and becomes a zombie there senses are better than ever such as there hearing, smelling and seeing so be careful.
*Tent are not necessary for this occasion
*Remember to help out others that's in need,The more people around the better because everyone can help out each other and stay safe but remember dont trust nobody.
*Last but not least you can never be one place too long because as days goes by more and more people get bitten by zombies so you will be moving from one places to another.
*Try avoiding hospitals, Churches,Hotels,Motels and our places where plenty of people would mostly be but if you want to risk it to get more things then be smart with it and never make noise or let them see you.
© Annastacia smith