

A Grim Twist of Fate - Chapter 2
High Master Greta peered down at the duo from her office window. What an unlikely pair they made - Master Drake and Shea. She almost felt sorry for him. She knew he'd only taken the girl on because of her. She had begged and pleaded with him. He was wary, but he'd do anything for her. It had to be him. He was the best of the best and this girl was their only hope. If he only knew... if she could only tell him the truth... she sighed. She could not.

"High Master Greta?... Greta?!... Are you even listening to me?!" High Councilman Juvius exclaimed.

Oh bother, she was getting as lackadaisical as Shea.

"I apologize High Councilman," Greta stated as she turned to face him, "You have my full attention."

"We need to move the girl to a secure location, Greta. We need to do it now."

"I don't understand what the rush is High Councilm..."

"Greta, we've been over this. Call me Juvius in private."

"Of course, Juvius. I apologize."

"He is coming. He's coming sooner than I ever could have imagined."

"But, she's not ready. She's barely an amateur magician. She wouldn't last long in her current state. Not even with Master Drake's training and protection. She's too immature for her own good. We must tell her! Maybe that would light the fire under her to be serious with her training."

"NO!" Juvius growled, "She must not be told."

"Well, why can't we tell Master Drake? Maybe he could find a way to train her better if he just had some more information."

No! We can't trust anyone with this information! This stays between the two of us. No one must know she is The Prophecy Child. Maybe, she'll have a fighting chance the longer we can hide the truth."

Greta sighed in exasperation.

"Well, where do you suggest that I move them to?"

Juvius was never able to give his reply, because at that moment a large cone of ice shot out from his chest. Just as suddenly as it came, it retracted, and he crumbled into the floor. Ice cold. Drops of water froze in the air like crystals and as the temperature plummeted so did Greta's heart.

"Greta, my dear, how ravishing you look," a sinister voice called out from the shadows.

Greta was frozen with fear. This was just a dream. It had to be a dream. A terrible, terrible dream.

"What's wrong dearie? Cat got your tongue?" he chuckled vilely as he came out from the shadows and into the light.

"So, it's the girl. The Prophecy Child is a little girl. How predictable," he snarled.

Greta began coming to her senses. Her body was still frozen in fear, but her mind was running through a thousand different scenarios. How did he find them?!... It didn't matter. He was here now and she needed to focus. She must focus! She had to initiate the mind link. She had to warn Drake and get Shea far away from here... from him.

The man slithered closer to Greta and cupped her chin in his hands pulling her face upward to look into his black eyes. Greta cringed at his touch.

"Ah, no need for that now dearie. Don't you worry your pretty, little head. I know where you can take that girl..." He laughed. "I'll just take her with me!"

She did it! The mind link was secured. She could feel Drake's confusion as her thoughts burned into his mind.

"Run Drake... You must take the girl and run... Please Drake... You must go now... Take the girl... Trust no one... He is coming."

A heavy slap resounded across her check and knocked her to the floor. He had figured out what she was doing. He was stronger than ever before.

"Wench," he cried out in anger, "you can't fool me. They won't get far."

As his hand came down in anger and she felt the consciousness leaving her body she sent one last message to Drake.

"... And Drake... I lied... I do love you... And I always have."
© Raeya