

Reckless Stupidity
"Anthony, are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked a nervous Harry.

"It'll be fine, Harry. We're doing it in a well lit parking lot in Scott City, nothing eventful will happen." I reassured him.


In all honesty though I wasn't cool about it either. We are dealing with a group of crazed men who are probably on drugs a good amount of the time, and if my fears come true, we'll both get dropped like a hot potato before we even get out of the truck.

We arrived in the parking lot of a manufacturing facility in Scott City, just right off the interstate. The lot was well lit, plus there were other surrounding buildings that are operating even at 1 in the morning, so if something did happen, someone is bound to see it.

I cut the headlights and we both got out of the truck, my hand laying on a revolver in its holster.

"Weren't they supposed to be here?" Harry questioned with a tinge of anxiety in his voice.

"Yeah, I don't get what the deal is."

"Hmm, something's not right."

We both looked around the parking lot, no other vehicle than my little Chevy S10 to be seen.

"We should go." He said.

Right then a quick clap came from across the interstate, and Harry fell to the ground.

"Holy fuck!" I said as I ducked for cover behind the truck. I went tunnel vision at this moment. They were hiding on the bluff across the highway, but I couldn't see them since the trees on top plus the darkness served as their perfect camouflage. I still cranked off three or four shots in their direction anyways.

"Harry! Are you okay?!" I asked as I got him into the passenger side footwell of my truck. I ran around the front of the truck and about got dropped too, but got inside and managed to drive off before they could try me again.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" I yelled like a broken record as I tore down a side road away from the industrial area we were in.

I pulled onto the shoulder of a two lane highway outside of town, and immediately went to tend to Harry.

"Harry! Come on man!"

No response.

"Harry! It's me, Anthony! Wake up buddy!"

Still nothing. I checked his pulse, and felt nothing at all. He had bled out on my trucks floorboard, turning the gray cloth to a dark red.

"Holy shit! Harry!" I said as I choked back tears.

Harry was dead, and it was all because of my reckless stupidity. I had decided to play cards with psychos, and my choices had costed him his life.

What was I gonna tell his family?

What was I gonna tell Luna?

What was I gonna tell Bryce?

But, most importantly, what will I tell him when we meet again?