

Prologue: Grant me my death…
"I thought... You loved me.." I trailed out shocked at the scene before me, there it was.... My girlfriend, Millie... Kissing a guy..

"Heh I was never a lesbian, I was just there to play with your feelings and only here for your money." She spat out as she continued kissing the guy.

'And since when did I mention that I was a lesbian...'

I thought but froze at what she had just said as uncontrollable tears begin flowing down my cheek.


Another cracking sound echoed, resounding throughout my head as it begin muttering to me eventually increasing in its volume louder each time.



'I knew it wouldn't last!'

'Stupid lesbian!'

'See you weren't good for her so she became straight hah!!'

'Maybe killing yourself is a better option!'

It roared out violently by now and I whimpered slightly beneath my breath, covering my ears as it taunted me.

"I- I..." I felt my entire body going cold and numb as I watch her kiss him. The guy however was shocked at what Millie had just said and forced her off, screaming at her.

"That is so disgusting! How could you play her like that!" He exclaimed with a disgusted look, before he sent me a look of pity and sympathy.

'Pity... I don't need pity.. Just stop it.. Don't look at me like that.' I thought to myself mutely as the words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

"I'm so sorry.. If I had known.." He trailed off, I watched as he raised his hand and a quick flashback incurred.. My hands immediately went up in self defense mode to block any attack.

Flinching from my sudden defensive movement, he awkwardly let his hand down by his side, "Sorry.." He trailed off before leaving quickly.

"You-! You whore! Just because you couldn't bear the thought of me not liking you! You made my boyfriend leave me by pretending to be pathetic just to gain sympathy!" Millie exclaimed loudly, drawing some passerbys attention who would just stare at me in disapproval and... Another familiar look.. Disgust.

"Millie..." I forced myself to say her name, hating how she was trying to make it all about *her* again..

"Just stop! Your bipolar ass and disgusting fake depression disgusts me!" She roared out angrily, pushing me away as she stomped off.

I laid on the floor, unable to believe what she said.. All those were sensitive information that I had told her..

"Fake depression...?" "Heh a slut is always a slut." "Whore." "Bitch" "Hoe" I heard the passerby whispered amongst themselves.

My mouth went agape as I began choking on the air, trembling uncontrollably as I gasped for air aloud.

Sweating non stop as I heard their laughter's and scoffs directed towards at me.

'Stop... DON'T LOOK AT ME!' I tried to exclaim out as I began to cover my face and brought my knee to my face, still choking from the lack of air.

"Don't... Please stop... Please don't look at me!" I exclaimed as I heard snaps, loud flashes and their laughter.

'I... Why do I exist.. Why god..'

'Hah... Why don't you just die?' It snorted out.

'The pain will than stop ya know..' It whispered to me all so soothingly.


Unable to refute it's words I kept silent, 'It will all be gone... You won't feel this *ever* again.' It hissed into my ears as I flinched.

'It knew what it was doing... And it is getting to me..'

'It knows what kind of impact it has on me.. Maybe... Just maybe... I should trust this- NO-! It is just there to see me suffer..'

'Come on... You know that isn't true~ I care for you so *dearly*.'

_Don't do it..._ I hear a faint voice say out in my head.

I was about to reply when I gasped out one last time before I fainted... Still hearing the crowd murmur that I am faking my illness and what not..

• • •

"My poor child... Your entire lifetimes were also very unlucky... But not like what you had been through right now." I heard a faint voice whisper into my ears.

"...Why.. Why do you continue to make me suffer.. I did everything I could... Just to.. Survive." I murmured out weakly as a tear trickled out of my eye.

"... Fate... We gods cannot intercept fate itself.. However.. This shall be the only exception..." The voice lightly spoke.

"Just end me already... I'm not your plaything." I replied resolutely, "I chose you because I want you.. To live your life to the fullest without.. Pain nor suffering.. Just complete bliss." The voice responded, trailing off slightly.

"Heh... That sounds like bullshit." I couldn't help but snort at its words, normally one would be afraid of the unknown or any weird random unknown voice speaking to you but..

Once you've accepted death... You'll happen to learn to care about absolutely nothing at all... Because it is all so meaningless to you..

"Ignorance is bliss.. Have you heard of that?" The voice asked.

"Yeah... But ignorance is not bliss.. Ignorance is brutal.." I shot back bluntly.

"W-what?" It questioned me, not expecting me to say that. I paid no heed to their words and continued, "The brutality of ignorance is such that it will make you dead while alive.."

"Excuse me?" It asked, not believing their ears at what I was saying. "Heh... A quote by Jaggi Vasudev I found.." I replied with a small smirk.

"Hm... It isn't completely.. Incorrect.." The voice trailed off sadly. "Than.. You shall be reincarnated to another world! Choose your powers." The voice chirped out happily.

Making it seem like the sadness in their voice never happened. "I told you.. I don't want to be reincarnated.. Just throw my soul into the furnace to be burnt or something." I groaned out annoyedly.

"You better choose otherwise I-" The voice tried to somewhat threaten but I cut in, "You'll what? Make my life a fucking mess?" I snort out.

"I-" "Well guess what.. There's nothing you can break about a broken doll." I laughed out slightly interjecting the woman's voice twice.

"... I meant to say.. 'Otherwise you'll be reincarnated to the heroine and all the male lead will follow you like puppies and disturb you constantly.' " The voice interjected awkwardly.

"I already said... I don't want to... Why can't you just accept it?" I exclaimed out almost in tears, "Because... I want you to experience a normal childhood..." The voice trailed off.

"Before *he* ruins anything else.." It continued slightly, " 'He'?" I questioned at their words.

"... Nothing you should worry about." It replied back cheerily, "How about light magic? You can heal anyone or pretty much anything." It replied trying to change the conversation.

I opened my eyes and stared at the light figure, no defined features, just a humanoid shape with a female voice.

"... I'm not choosing till you tell me who 'he' is.." I stated calmly and a deadly silence soon followed.

"... I guess I should tell you about him..." She trailed off slightly reluctant about her decision.

"He is your-" She opened her mouth to speak when a dark shadow covered her mouth instantly, "Mmph!" I could hear her muffled voice before she somehow disappeared.

"Heh~ Instead of her, I should tell you who I am myself." The dark figure came closer to me as I stared blankly at the scene.

"Oh~? Not surprised to see me darling~?" He called out endearingly which didn't seem fake but it sent chills down my spine.

"I'm your yandere stalker~ I go by the name Alexius or what you would normally call me- Al~" He replied with a grin that I somehow couldn't make out.

'I-... A yandere stalker?' I rose my eyebrow a little.

"Hm..." I made a sound of acknowledgement and nodded uninterestedly, "Are you not confused or shocked~?" He asked with a sing song tone voice laced with slight amusement.

"..." I shrugged at him slightly before a bright light flashed near him, "That was enough! How dare you do that to me! I must tell her all your evil schemes!" The light figure roared out as the edges of her figure flickered fiercely.

"... Evil?" The dark figure was silent but spat that word out which I could tell he didn't enjoy it. "Yes! My dear child! Listen to me quickly as I try to restrain him. He's evil and will do anything to harm you just to get you as his possession.. His toy.. Or a plaything." The light figure explained quickly.

"Now, take my hand and I'll reincarnate you.. Then we'll talk about your cheats later." She explained with her hand out, however right at that moment the dark figure escaped out of the restriction and casually walked towards me.

"Don't do anything funny Al!" The figure exclaimed, "Don't.Call.Me.That." He glared the figure as she shuddered slightly, "Come take my hand quick before he does anything bad to you!" She exclaimed holding her hand out and gesturing for me to take it.

I stared at the hand before I saw the dark figure extend his hand out aswell, I stared at both of the hands blankly before I raised out my hand...

Placing it on the light figure as I saw it sigh in relief, I murmured, "Whelp... Sorry but I want my cheats." Initially I saw the dark figure froze and glared at the light figures hand murderously.

But as if he heard my mutter, he stopped and froze a little before laughing out softly. "I respect your decision.. Maybe.. Perhaps you could let me kiss your hand as farewell my fair lady?" He asked me politely.


"Don't leave me Al..." A very familiar voice rang out, "I'm so sorry... But for your safety.. I have to do this." Al stated sadly as he gripped the other persons delicate hand.

However both of their figures were censored out so I don't know who he was talking to, he lifted her hand up to his lips and gave a gentle peck on the back of her hand.

The lady did a shocking thing as he kissed the back of her hand as she rubbed his hair.

"My fair lady..."

"AL! Nooo!!" I could hear the pain in her voice as she screamed out his name, I watched in slight shock as Al got stabbed by an assassin as he was trying to protect the lady.

Al ignored the stab at his heart and killed the assassin around her, eventually collapsing onto the floor with crimson red blood pooling from beneath him slowly.

"Al! No you can't leave me! You promised to stay here with me!" She cried out in grief as she held him tightly to her body, trying to stop the bleeding.

"I... %-#8"/ I'm sorry... My fair lady... I never told you my true identity.. Besides that.. I'm a yandere... All those people.. I killed them for you." Al confessed with a slight smirk as if he remembered something.

The area around his eyes glowing slightly as it was bright than the others, "I don't care! All I need is you Al!" She sobbed out, still trying to stop the bleeding.

"I also didn't tell you... But the weapon they used was a holy weapon stabbed directly on my heart... I won't die but- ##*#-#*@-#*$*$"

The words blurred out and became static sounding but one thing for sure was that he said.

"-Protect..... and core."

•End of flashback•

I quickly snapped out of the phase and slightly nodded at the dark figure words despite the light figure disagreeing with him and my actions.

I gently placed my hand onto his and stared at the dark figure who slowly brought his head down towards the back of my palm.

I stared as I saw a slight flicker of strawberry blonde hair projected on the dark figure for a slight moment.

That by itself piqued my curiosity..

Since I couldn't see him.. 'Does that mean I can feel his facial features or clothing?' I thought.

Subconsciously, I raised up my other hand and placed it on his head. Patting it softly as I touched and stroked his silky locks.

"Hm~ Hmm~ Hm~" I hummed slightly as he froze even more than when my hand had touched his head.

He gave a light peck on my hand before murmuring under his breath, "Lets go now than!" The light figure exclaim, eager to escape from the dark figure.

'Wow she is ignoring the fact that he kissed the back of my hand...'

'Even so.. Her guard should be up against him.. Not nonchalant like that as he did that to me.. Something is very wrong..'

I pondered seriously, 'Wait.. It... It hasn't said anything for a while...'

'Why~? Miss me already?' I hear it scoff out as my mood dropped slightly.

'I'm only-..' _Don't worry.. I'll be keeping the voice away._ That faint voice that I heard from before resounded clearly in my head.

'I-... Thank you so much.. I stutter out in shock and joy.. I never expected it to be... Gone..' I thought to the thoughts gladly.

Watching as she dragged me off, I saw Al grin at me and I decided to give him a small smile since I figured that this has something to do with him.

He froze and gave me a large smile that made my heart constrict as I was being dragged further away.

'Hm... I shouldn't be experiencing these weird feelings..'

• • •

"I'm so sorry about that! It was suppose to be safe without... Any other entity." The light figure stopped right infront of a portal and said apologetically.

"I thought about it..." I trailed off. "About?" She asked.

"My cheat... I want to be a summoner who can summon anything human, any humanlike entities or animals." I stated plainly as the light figure nodded at my words.

"That's a pretty interesting choice." The light figure nodded slightly, "Can you make my summonings limitless and powerful?" I asked.

"Hm.. Sure! Alright is there any other request?" She asked.

"... May I have dark/shadow element as my power?" I asked after thinking about it, "Hm... But dark element... Are you sure?" She asked with a worried voice.

"Mhm... Like.. Those reincarnation stories.." I randomly threw in a fact as I felt its suspicions towards me rising, "Ohh I see, alrighty than. Please enter the portal and I'm so sorry for everything my dear." The light figure said with a kind voice.

"Thanks..." I trailed off before I stared at the glowing red portal. 'Should it be red...? I kinda want to enter the purple one..'

_Enter the blue one.. Trust me!_ I heard the voice say, I froze in my tracks before glancing at the blue portal.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear the light figure ask sharply but she tried to cover the sharpness up with a kinder voice.

I shook my head and murmured, "Nothing.. Just.. The blue colour portal looks pretty."

Soon afterwards I sensed some killing intent directed towards me and I took that as a warning, taking off towards the blue portal.

Stretching out my arms as I nearly touched the blue portal before I got flung back by some unknown invisible force as my back smacked against the wall.

From the height I smacked it, I dropped down to my sides as I held myself in a defensive position to minimise the damage ensued on my body.

Hissing in slight pain from the hard impact, but nothing to bad compared to what my father did, I quickly got back up and rammed into the light figure.

Catching her off guard before I once again tried entering the blue portal, "You're not supposed to enter the blue portal.. It is dangerous!" The light figure warned, using an invisible to hold me back.

I struggled against the force but the light figure told me about the portal I was entering and the world in it as I soon began to calm down slightly, not struggling as much.

_It's lying.._ The voice assured me, I thought about their words deeply and decided to listen to the voice since it helped me out once.

Other than that, the light being was acting way too weird... Especially with that killing intent I sensed from it earlier on.

"..." I stopped struggling as the light figure slowly released me, "See dear, I believe it has something to do with that dark figure.. It has probably poisoned your thoughts!" The light figure stated with slight anger radiating off of them.

She gently reached out to touch my hands, especially the one that had been kissed by my yandere, I saw a bright light emerge but soon felt a weird constricting feeling placed on me from what she did.

She released my hand, "Now.. The red portal is the safe one." She told me gently, I nodded mutely and headed towards the red portal.

Before taking a sharp turn to the blue portal abruptly and tried dashing with all the strength I have left.

"Why don't you just listen!" She hissed out annoyedly as the invisible force stopped me, slowly she lifted me up to the air as I began choking.

I began gasping for air violently as I struggled as much as I can, closing my eye shut as I felt my strength and vision fade..

'Is this... How it is gonna end..' I thought weakly.

'Well... It was.. My wish afterall.. How... Sad..'

:My yandere stalker hm...? Heh.. He actually.. Seems more decent than this light figure..'

'The thought of finally resting in peace is peaceful... But why do I feel.. So sad.. So.. Very... *Very* Lonely.'

"Al..." I weakly gasped out with my last breath before the darkness slowly enveloped me.

"*GASP* I gasped out loudly as I felt the air coming into my body through my mouth again, I hit the floor with a thump and I felt my vision slowly coming back.

I began hacking from the constrict on my throat previously as I lifted my head up slightly to see darkness holding the light figure back.

The previous constricting feeling that I'd felt placed on me was gone, I turned and began crawling towards the blue portal.

Soon noticing a glowing red symbol on the back of my palm, I ignored it at the moment and crawled towards the blue portal.

Fully touching it, I felt myself being transported, although my vision went dark, I heard a baby crying which I can assume it is my baby body who is making that sound.

"My beautiful baby girl... Artemis.. May you be born as powerful and strong when you grow up. Don't let anyone bully you." I could hear her trail out weakly.

'Is she... Just sick or dying..' I couldn't help but think.

'Open... Open my eyes! I need to see her at least..' I exclaimed in my thoughts as I felt my body make a gurgle noise, my hands reached out uncontrollably.

'Control my body..' I urged my thoughts strongly to my mind and could slowly feel myself gain control over my new baby body.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw my new mother's appearance, it was astonishing in a good way.

She had the purest silverish white hair colour in contrast she was paired with a healthy browned caramel skin shade colour, it was mesmerising and made her looks exceptionally unique.

I could glance at my chubby hands waving in front of me that my skin was a pretty pecan brown skin colour.

My eyesight cleared up slightly as I spot shining red ruby eyes that glittered with warmth and love as she saw me gurgling at her, "Who's a good girl.. She didn't cry Noelle." My mother said smiling at me warmly.

'... It has been a long time since I felt this emotion expressed to me..'

"Yes Madam, she's a looker. She'll grow up to be just as beautiful and exceptional as you are." I heard a subservient reply made to my mother which I can assume was a maid based off of her tone, and she is named Noelle.

"No... She'll turn out to be more stronger than I'll ever be.. Right Artemis?" My mother said before she played with a fingered above me with a strong smile.

Beneath that strong smile I could see that she was physically weak from the labour as there were sweat plastered over her forehead.

'What a beautiful strong person..' I couldn't help but think about her as I reached out my chubby hands to try and catch her finger.

'I wonder how I look now..' I wondered before I returned a smile at my mother who could only give me a larger smile.

"Bawh bwhx." I successfully made some baby noises from my undeveloped vocal chords, "You're looking for your father? He's busy right now as a commander in war.." She trailed off slightly sad.

Since babies were quite influenced by mood changes by their mothers, I felt sad and began tearing up slightly. "Shh... Shh.. Don't cry little Artemis." She hushed me softly and lulled me to sleep.

Rocking her arms softly and patting me before I yawned and fell asleep in her arms feeling warm.

© Naruko