

DANIEL chapter1
Daniel was born a healthy male baby. Throughout his childhood, he practiced well manners and proper etiquette. Suddenly, on his 20th birthday, he fell into a month-long coma. Once he woke up, he was Daniel no more. He couldn't resist the habit of saying or doing mean things that would degrade and humiliate another persons’ dignity. This took a toll on his daily life and once stable and loving relationships became broken and bitter shipwrecks. Living a new life, we follow a new world he stumbled upon, a world filled with disrespect and vile manner.
This is after he had know his true story of his life. And bad thing is that, the person who was living with them were the source, both his wife and the familly of his wife. He came and know that, those were the person who killed their parents when only got birth at the first day. He could not like his children again and start kill one by one. The first person who killed, was his wife in the room. Only children heard the voice and run away to survive themselves, because their brother who was bigger that them he was bitten very badly and both run away.

After his untrue father got the information, started wondering and ask himself "Whom has told him that information?" In his mind, he knows that every thing was over. He think about his wife maybe was her, but he said to himself on his hurt " She knows her She can not every tell himself. Although at the beggining was afraiding of what he was doing, but dew to how he was speaking She stop that behavior in long days ago" He continue think in and call his three fellow friends who participate on that and became very harsh, because all of them they could not agree if are the ones. He speak bad words to them if only he found that there was someone among of them want to betray will suffer.
But the truth is that both his fellow and his wife could not involve on that.

WHAT WILL HAPPEIN NEXT? Do not miss the story of Daniel.

© Husna Johari